What can I do to help myself feel less like I'm freezing to death?

I am almost 8wks post-op RNY. My closed procedure became open when adhesions from a prior c-section necessitated an open procedure. While adhesions were dealt with, my surgeon found a couple of undiagnosed hernias he also needed to repair. A few weeks post-op I developed a wound infection, and needed to have drains placed. Drains are gone, but I'm still draining from the lower part of the incision where the drains had been. I've lost about 35lbs since surgery and 90lbs total. I'm cold all of the time. I wear undershirts, t-shirts, jackets, sweaters, etc. hoping to feel somewhat normal body temp wise while I'm up. I sleep with a heated throw at night, and hot water bottles. I do realize that I'm losing my insulation, and that my metabolism is slowing too, but this is ridiculous. My post-op excersizing is not going as I'd planned, as I'd hoped to be working out in the warm pool by now, but can't due to my still open incision.I am losing weight in such strange places such as my tush, the inside of my knees, and my lower legs. I'm having a hard time getting comfortable sitting or laying down. Sleep or lack thereof is a major issue as I'm uncomfortable, cold or both. Ideas, anyone? I'm getting desperate...    — kimberl44 (posted on March 23, 2009)

March 23, 2009
Hi Kimberly, I am 16 weeks out rny and I have heard alot about being cold after losing weight. I have lost about 60+ lbs with 60 more to go and I have been waiting for this cold to appear but haven't noticed anything different yet. I am 49 so you would think "menop + age" but nope, nothing...I am soooo happy with this journey that nothing will shake me now...I guess I only look to the bright future we will have..sorry I am probably not much help but it does take alittle more than two months to feel back to normal and than more than that to feel even better. Then you will be so greatful for this surgery, trust me.
   — kathysews

March 23, 2009
I would strongly recommend having some labs drawn. You could be anemic (low hemaglobin/hematocrit) or could have thyroid or protein problems which could be causing the cold feeling. Call your doc to discuss, schedule an appointment and see what can be done as this amount of suffering doesn't sound normal. Best of luck.
   — DawnVic

March 23, 2009
I am 15 month post op. I freeze all the time too. My doctor's office told me it was perfectly normal after losing a large amount of weight. I am slightly anemic on top of that. I am adjusting-I always have my electric blanket on and a sweater or jacket-year round. It is worth freezing knowing I am so much healthier and I feel great otherwise! Good luck!
   — melanie705

March 23, 2009
I feel for you! I also had two hernias repaired in addition to my RNY. (I think that it increased my pain level and slowed my recovery.) I ran from the NYC cold to NC BEFORE I had my surgery so I really am sensitive to cold! Since my surgery, keeping warm has been a problem! I am better now and just want to tell you to hang in there! It is a process that must be endured but is definitely, definitely worth it! Just remember, "the sun will come out tomorrow". When I get cold, I wear undershirt, turtleneck, sweatshirt and then a fleece jacket! I would rather put on clothes than pounds:) I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams! Good luck, Rena RNY 4/30/09 Duke NC 110 lbs; 117 lbs gone forever!!
   — RenaMansi

March 23, 2009
Even after 2+ years I am still cold. My surgeon said that it could take a couple years for it to work out. I told him that it is alright if it doesn't. I went for years burning up all year long that I figure I can always put on a sweater, but I could only take off so much. At first I thought it was because of the blood thinners after surgery, but it has stayed around. As for the exercise, it will come. In the mean time, do what you can (walk, hand weights..ect...). Good luck. Paula
   — Paula K.

March 23, 2009
Hi Hon, I went through the exact same thing. I don't know what caused it or why it went away. I was so cold, I had to wear gloves in the house while I sat at my computer. It was just unbelieveable. You have my complete sympathy. One thing that did help me was to try to avoid drinking anything at all that was COLD. I drank tons of caffiene free hot tea and always used warm-hot water. It took me a while to get used to it, but it did help. I agree with earlier poster as well that you need to get this checked out medically too. If your surgeon doesn't take you serious see your family doc if possible and see what he or she says. Good luck, it will all be worth it!
   — katiecakes

March 23, 2009
Hi Kimberly, I'm 3 yrs & 4 months post op and have kept off 115 lbs. so far and I still freeze! I have the situation at the computer's like my blood is now ice and my hands ache from it sometimes. I use gloves as well (just light cotton ones help) and wear sweatshirts in the middle of summer. My new favorite vacation spots are anywhere in the Carribean. :) My surgeon told me the absolute best thing I could do for exercise was walk...your incision won't stop that. That will also help you lose weight more evenly. Since you're only 8 weeks out, just start slowly and don't over do it....even if that means you have to do it two or three times a day but in small doses. It really will help you feel much better quicker. It will also help you from developing extremely saggy skin. As your fitness level improves, your speed and time walking will increase. Hang in there!!!!!
   — Susan C.

March 23, 2009
RNY 8/28/08. I used to be hot in 30 degree weather. Now I do get cold very easily. As others have posted my hands especially at the computer. On your other issues... I have lost a lot of weight in my "tush" I went and bought some memory foam at target and cut it to fit my seat in the car, my favoirte chair at the house and even added a layer to my side of the bed. The "presure points" at night like hips shoulders and even my ribs would wake me up at night eventhough I have a very nice mattress. TO me atleast it is still very worth it. PS... try flannel or satin sheets... they help to hold in what little body heat I have at night.
   — phyllismmay

March 24, 2009
Hi Kimberly! Unfortunately, the coldness does go along with the weight loss; however, if your symptoms are that severe, I urge you to get in contact with your surgeon. Perhaps you need TSH and a Free T-4 blood tests done to see how your thyroid is coping with the drastic change to your body. Please keep us posted on what you find out. God bless! :)
   — Marcie F.

March 24, 2009
Kimberly - I am over 2 years out. I was a cold blooded animal B4 surgery - so after surgery it went from bad to worse. I am afriad the only advise I can give you is that you will start to have warmer days BUT the cold factor is pretty much here to stay. I have to take burning hot showers to get the cold out of my bones - yes... i am so cold, my bones ache. As i am sitting her typing this - I have on my PJ bottoms, thermal top, tshirt, bathroom and two pairs of socks, 2 throw blankets and the heater on. Again, there are days that I don't have to ive like an eskimo but - most days - I layer and bundle and have my husband rub my feet to warm me up - or rub my head - he's a good man. Re: the sleep. I had insomnia for almost 2 months after surgery and find myself every few months having it again. I have sleeping pills that my PCP prescribed, but not before I tried the OTC Simply Sleep by Tylenol talk to you PCP and get some help with sleep - it's important to feeling better and even more warmer, etc. Good luck.
   — jammerz

March 24, 2009
I'm over 2 years out from my wls. I didnt start feeling cold until this past fall. But since, I'm so cold I can't stand it and people around me cant stand it lol. I will be at work and the temp in the office will be 77 degrees and Im about to freeze. I got my desk heater going and my coat and Im still cold. I was a little cold nature before I gain my weight, but I never been this cold. When I get home from work, first thing I do is take a hot bath or shower to warm up. All my lab work as always been good except one time my B12 got low but that shouldnt cause being cold. You might just want to check with your doctor and see what they say. Good Luck and I hope u get feeling better soon.
   — barfiep01

March 24, 2009
I too froze "to the bone" for about 2-3 months. After I started on my B12 and got my thyroid med regulated, I'm doing fine. Living in SD gets cold. I got used to having pocket hand warners in my pockets. they helped. These are the palm size packets you just open up and they stay warm for several hours. Hope this helps. good luck to you.
   — robinjyoung

March 24, 2009
I've been cold ever since surgery...I have always had an irregular body temp of 96-97 anyway...and rarely sweat at all...but after surgery I froze...Most complain about this so it is normal to an extenet...BUT...when I had anemia and even low iron...I was "painfully" cold. My feet would turn blue and cramp up in the stores in the summer because of the air-conditioning. I had to bring sweaters and blankets in the car so my family could be comfortable with the air on...Some nights I went to bed and didn't fall asleep til 6 am because despite being covered with 6 quilts and socks and fleece PJ's...I just could not shake the chill. Get labs...that's all I can say...Make certain they check all your vitamins and thyroid and ferritin(Iron)...Vitalady just posted a full list of the vitamins on the Grads Board as a 'suggestion' of what labs to get...I use her list every 6 months! It's a LOT of blood tests and the lab techs always look at me like they might want to put on a mask because I might have some weird deadly disease! LOL But I am always deficient or low on something especially after year 4. Now I just try to keep my levels stabile and not too high from over doing vits or too low for several different reasons. I hate guessing at what people MIGHT have wrong...but based on my experience being you are...anemia, or thyroid...I've been both! And both are above and beyond COLD! You literally cannot get warm. It's horrible! Here's a link to the thread with the labs and codes...Go down to Vitalady's post...Copy and print for your doc! I give my PCP my list and she has no trouble running them for me! She knows that I am serious about my health and doesn't know much about the RNY body! So she trusts me to educate her and asks for my lab test list every visit!
   — .Anita R.

March 24, 2009
I didn't have RNY but Lapband surgery. I was cold natured before the surgery (8/4/08) and I am still very cold. I was told that it will take time for my metabolism to settle down. Marti in San Jose
   — Marti P.

March 24, 2009
I am cold all the time also, I am 8 months out lost 140 pounds docs say it is normal i wear a sports bra dancekin a t shirt a long sleve shirt a sweater dancekin tights socks pants and still am cold my husband says I must be dead lol docs say it is ok
   — Tammi Sandoval

March 25, 2009
I had my surgery in 2003 and I'm still cold :) Seriously.. for some of us this doesn't go away. In my case, I'm anemic now and it's a fact of life for me. I've learned to dress in layers and anticipate the temperature of where I will be. At work I'm always cold even though the two guys on either side of me are comfortable. Right now I'm wearing a long sleeved tee, a polo shirt over that and a hip length cable sweater... and I'm still cold. Sorry girl... it may go away and it may not.
   — Tammyjo

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