In genera, how long are you out of work with a lap RNY?

   — a4liberty (posted on January 9, 2006)

January 9, 2006
I would say it depends on the individual themselfs and what type of work you do. I was off work at the present time so it worked out good for me. I know the biggest thing is you are really tired after wards I would have been able to went back to work at my desk job in about 2 weeks I would say.
   — NYCindy

January 9, 2006
I was out only 7 days. But I work at a desk. If I had a job that was not at a desk I dont thinkI would of been back as soon. Good luck
   — bntfive

January 9, 2006
I truly think it depends on the person. My surgeon had the procedure done he was back at work the following week. One of the nurses had the surgery done, she was back in the office about a week and a half later. Then another was back about two weeks later. I had my surgery done on December 27th. I personally feel that I could be ready to go back to work because I am heeled on the outside. But, I will know for sure what my surgeon thinks tomorrow. I think it may depend on the type of work that you do. Sometimes, people with office jobs are ready to go back to work sooner than people who stand on their feet for hours. I stand on my feet on concrete floor for about 12 hours a day. I think it depends also on the person. But, no matter what you hear on here make sure that you as a person are ready to go back to work. Take it day by day.
   — kizie23

January 9, 2006
I am a hairdresser and I went back to work on the 14 day. Although I was very tired my energy would be gone by 3:00 and I would leave early. The worst part for me was not pain it passed quickly it was having to rebuild my energy level. Im better but still get tired a lot.
   — ree

January 10, 2006
I was out 2 weeks. I have a desk job. I figured it was better than sitting around at home. Initially my doc suggested that I take off at least 4 weeks. I would have gone stir crazy at home that long!
   — membylake

January 11, 2006
I had surgery on a Tuesday, home on Thursday and was back to work on Monday. But I work at a desk, so it was pretty low maintenance. It really depends on how you feel, what type of work you do and how much time you can afford off. Good luck!
   — stargazer12472

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