(Question for those who lost over 100 lbs) What post-op plastic surgery did you need?

I'm pre-op and have over 150 pounds to lose, and I'm curious what plastic surgery I'll likely need to look "normal". What surgeries did you all have and did your insurance pay for it? Thank you!    — PamG (posted on October 9, 2006)

October 9, 2006
I have just hit my 100lb mark. I am just short of a year. I had a RNY lap on 10/25/05 and I was told I could keep loseing for two years. I was also told I had to be at a study whight for 4 months before I could evrn see a doctor about plastic surgrey. I do need my arms, butt, hips, tummy and breast done. But for now I am so happy with my lose.
   — bntfive

October 9, 2006
i am 1yr post-op and just went through a total body lift. they took off 12-15lbs of skin... mainly my abdomen... my thighs were minimal, my arms had sagging skin and my breasts were lifted. major work on my abdomen. have a scar thatgoes from around one hip to around the other one and then from my sternum down to the lower scar. its only 3 weeks postop from this and still swolen. will take a few more weeks for mostof the swelling to go down. i lost 120lbs. went from 320 to 200lbs.. i'm 5'10" and 180-185 is my goal weight. i am now just 1-3 lbs from that now. all in a year. its been quite a year. good luck with your journey. insurance didn't pay a dime. if you get insurance to pay for tummy its usually a regular surgeon and not a plastic surgeon - be careful with that.
   — akirsch

October 9, 2006
Hi Pam, I had surgery Nov 1st, 2005, and am having a tummy tuck and breast lift done next Wednesday, I have lost 123 lbs and am within 5-10 pounds of goal, they say the surgery will remove 5-10 lbs of skin, so that should put me in a good place as far as my weight is concerned. Insurance will pay for the tummy tuck, but double check with your carrier, mine is BCBS, they were really good about it, the breat lift is not covered, it is running me about 3K, I am having both done at once.. so it is cheaper.. Best wishes to you!! April
   — April

October 9, 2006
Pre-op I was 257 lbs....and have lost 107lbs. The only problem area that I have are my arms....and my breasts. My arms I will probably leave alone, but I'd love to have a breast lift done. Everyone is different in terms of how their skin reacts to the weight loss.
   — mmcphee1

October 9, 2006
I have lost 160 lbs and am not going to need any surgery. My surgery was June 1 2005, and I lost over 100 lbs in the firs 8 months, yes I am a little flabby but not bad. I think it depends on your age and general health wether or not you will need any work done.
   — ArdieB

October 10, 2006
I am 3 years post op from the open RNY. I lost a total of -186 lbs. I had my WLS 8-6-03, my breast reduction/lift done 8-4-04, my tummy tuck/with hernia repair done 2-7-05 and my arm lift 1-12-06. Whether your insurance will pay for any procedures is something you should look into, my insurance paid 100% for both my breast reduction and tummy tuck/hernia repair, I paid for my arm lift. You may want to visit the Plastic Surgery Message Board, and get more imput on your question.
   — cindy

October 10, 2006
I am 4 years post-op. Last March I had the adomnoplasty done where my AWESOME doctor took over 25 lbs. of excess skin off of me. I have a very faint scar from that that goes from hip to hip at my bikini line and yes I can where a bikini with no problem. I also had a breast lift and lipo done on the inside and outside of my thighs. My insurance paid for everything except the lipo. I had lost a total of 150 lbs. My PS did not recommend doing my arms because he said he could not guarentee what the scar would look like. Oh, also he lifted my thighs when he did the abdomnoplasty. He did not recommend cutting my thighs either because of the scaring and I am glad my sister-in-law went to a different doctor and the scar on her thighs look like two big hockey sticks!!
   — msferret6

October 11, 2006
I am 52, had surgery 12/2002, lost 120 lbs and I have not had plastic surgery. I feel great still need to drop another 60 lbs but I get great compliments on how I look. If your insurance will pay for it go for it. I work out everyday before going to work in the morning, this has helped a great deal. Plastic surgery or no surgery ops need physical exercize...what happens after the surgery is done and you begin aging. There may be a quick fix but what about for the rest of your life.
   — debmi

October 12, 2006
I had a belt lipectomy with my vertical scar revised in Aug of 05. In May of this year I had a BL (love my new girls!), thigh lipo and a thigh lift. Next year the PS will revise my belt and pull me up/down more to tighten me up I lost more weight, mainly tightened up everything due to a new running program. The PS will be doing this 3rd surgery for the cost of just the operating room only. I lost just a little over 100# and I paid out of pocket for everything. I am 3 yr 4 months out. Chris
   — ChristineB

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