I've read that more then 15g of sugar can cause dumping.

Is this just for sugar or is natural sugars also included. My doctor told me to drink 100% no sugar added juices but they have alot of natural sugars and I am scared this will cause dumping. Any suggestions for a good juice or does anyone know if natural sugars will cause dumping? Thank you.    — armywife721 (posted on August 27, 2008)

August 26, 2008
If you want to lose weight, best to just leave the sugar alone.
   — GaryLGreen

August 26, 2008
I do not eat sugar or products that contain sugar the best to my ablity. But that was not my question. All fruits have natural sugars from bananas to strawberries to whatever. You can not cut these out of your diet because you need other nurtients they offer. I was told to drink no more then 8oz fruit juice a day and my question was about the natural sugar they contain.
   — armywife721

August 26, 2008
I am 8 month out and still dilute juice if I drink it. But I can eat a small apple or banana with no problems. Seems like it is the refined sugar that causes dumping. But my nut said to stay under 15 grms also, so that is a good rule of thumb. Make sure the container says pure juice, no added sugar. Good luck.
   — lesleigh07

August 26, 2008
I was told to only drink strictly 50% diluted juice. 1/2 water and 1/2 juice. And I was told 8g of sugar is too much. But I know that 1/2 & 1/2 juice doesn't cause dumping I tolerate it just fine. I haven't tried any fruit yet though.
   — k4rizz421

August 26, 2008
I had to drink orange juice shorty after leaving the hospital to help maintain blood sugar levels. No dumping. I drink fruit juices mixed with water for different flavors, no dumping. Now that the protein shakes are helping to maintain blood sugar levels, no more orange juice. I mix water with juices to help cut the sugar because plain water is stop working for me right now. You should not be scared to try fruit juices, just mix half with water and see what happen. I think that if you just montior natural sugar intake, you should be fine. The nut gave me a menu with some natural fruits on it, but small amounts per serving and they have not cause any dumping. I could be wrong, we need some fruit in our diet. I hope this helps.
   — Toby2

August 26, 2008
I'm a little at odds on this one. I thought that when I first started this process, I was told no more than 20 g per serving but the more I read on here it's like 20 g for the entire day. Well I had my surgery last October and have lost 120 lbs and have been going by the 20g per serving and I've never had a problem. I know if I go over that amount, I do feel sick. As for the juices, that's practically all I live on, I hate water. I buy the lite juices and lemonade. Ok, so I may not be the poster child for this process, smile, but it's working for me. Just thought I'd share.
   — PAWLLA L.

August 26, 2008
5 grams of sugars per serving is recommended as a maximum by most surgeons. Natural sugars are far better than refined sugars or synthetic sweeteners. Some patients will dump with less than 5 sugars. You won't know until you try your juices. Or maybe you can dilute a 5 gram serving with water, as an alterntive. My surgeon said natural fruit juices--such as apple juice, cranberry juice--but not citrus juices--would be OK for drinking post op. I drank the apple and cranberry with no problems, but did not drink large glasses of them at a time, only small amounts for variety of flavors. You will not know which drinks or foods will cause dumping until you actually dump. I can eat real sugar without dumping, but I realize that, and make the wisest decisions I can about foods to make my WLS as successful as possible. I'd suggest you attend a local support group, as they have helped me immensely over the past 2+ years, and almot 160 pound wt loss. Good luck. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

August 26, 2008
There are no support groups here. I was given this site instead. I live on an army base in South Korea. This is where my surgery was also done. An army base 2 hours from here. My surgeon and nut moved away now.
   — armywife721

August 27, 2008
I cannot drink fruit juices even if they are NSA...(even 4 years with a tolerance for a little sugar) First off apple, orange or grape juice just burns my pouch...and if I take more than a few sips ..within 10 minutes I am laid out on the floor in pain for the next two hours...Yet i can eat a protein bar with 14 g of sugar no trouble! I just gave up drinking fruit juices and eat the fruit form...I can eat half an orange or grapefruit without the same trouble! It's hard to make sense of it, but juices hurt! (probably because they absorb so fast as a liquid without the fiber that offsets the carbs, but I am guessing and won't pretend to know for certain!) LOL I have even tried watering juice down with water, but it doesn't taste as well! I used to be a juicer before RNY and my nut said NO MORE..."eat your food, don't drink it!"...I tried it a few times anyway, but she was right...I cannot do it anymore (physically hurts to drink juices)...I still make some carrot juice combos though. (1/2 glass at most)
   — .Anita R.

August 27, 2008
I drink about 3oz of 100% tropicana pure orange juice, (sometimes a little less) almost every morning. I dont dump on that, For the first 2 weeks or so I added maybe an oz of 100% lemondade to my water. Never had a problem. I think everyone reacts different, trying it isnt going to kill you, but you know your limits so you know not to go over board. I also eat differet kind of fruit grapes and watermelon seem to do good for me. sometimes strawberries and melon to. Before I get attacked on here for eating so much fruit its not even once a day and its like 2 grapes or whatever! Hoped this helped!
   — Kimberlin Katayama

August 27, 2008
5 grams of sugar does it for me, but I have no problem with sugar in fruit, just noting added, like in canned fruits. They can make you sick.
   — William (Bill) wmil

August 27, 2008
Different people react differently to sugar and natural sugar. If you just want the taste of juice my surgeon recommended the diet juices (they are not 100% juice so it would be more for the taste, not nutrition content) V-8 Diet Splash is really good too. I don't drink juice but I DO eat fruit without consequence. (Can't say the same for sugar products or sugar alcohols)
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 27, 2008
As a 4 plus yr post op RNY, and a doctor to boot, i have been doing a lot of leg work regarding what is and what isn't accepted withy out post op eating. You will discover, there are as many nuts, as there are surgeons, and if you watch the boards carefully, hardly any 2 tell their patients the same things, and of course, as patients, post op ourselves, we can't give anyone a comprehensive awnswer, because we cannot take the place of your nut or surgeon. Here is the bottom line as far as i have been able to acertain. Sugar used to be one of those grey areas. Some Nuts say no more than 7 grams per serving, some don't tell you how many grams, but out of the nearly 40 surgeons, and Nuts I have spoken with, the norm is between 2 and 5 grams per portion. Most use the 3gram rule. It just so happens my own Nut and surgeon both said 3 grams. Honestly, even this far out, I still have NO clue what more than grams will do to me - I just know from my own experience as a patient, and lately those of several post op patients who i am in contact with, (as a retired surgeon )with many differing post op years, those of us who have NOT tried eating something with more grams of sugar than we are allowed to push the envelope, just to see how far we can go, are doing better at keeping the weight off. The farther post op you become, the more complacent patients become, and when you read someones messqage that says, help i can eat a lot more now than when a new post op. Just a suggestion, never eat more than allowed then you wont know if you can eat more or not. For instance, i have been allowed only half cup total food, 3 times a day, since i was 6 months post op. I m never hungry, but there may come a day when I want a full cup of something rather than half a cup, but so far one of the things that keep me on the straight and narrow is reading these messages, and I decide it isnt worth it to me to ruin what I worked so hard for. Still havent had any bread, pasta, white potatoes or rice. I would give my eye teeth to have a piece of my special fried chicken, but know if I do, its all over. You all have to decide for yourselves, with your Nuts and surgeons advise on your sugar intake. BTW, i still havent had dumpimg at all. So there is much to be said about following my rules- and yes I know many who do follow them, regardless, sometimes dumps. Its not a fiite science. Good luck to all. I just know, playing by my surgeons rules has allowed me to lose 230 lbs and keep them off for over 3 years. Cindi 3.24.04 -230#
   — DollyDoodles

August 27, 2008
I try to remain under 5 or 6 gm sugar on any snack/protein bars I eat, but you are right, all fruit contains natural sugar. My nutritionist told me to "cut " apple juice with water. I drink it now with half juice and half water. Try a few sips that way to see if you have a problem with it. You can always call your nutritionist and ask.
   — IcePryncesstoo

August 27, 2008
I think it's diferent for each person. I had rny in 2003 and I can eat any kind of fruit (fruit sugar=fructose) without problems. It's sucrose (table sugar) that kills me. If I eat more than about 10-15 grams at a time, I'll dump. However, I've read on the main board that ssome people can't tolerate much fruit and go with the lower-sugar type fruits like berries.
   — Lady Bugg

August 27, 2008
Hi LeeAnn, I wondered the same thing about eating whole fruits. I've had Tropicana uncut, but only about 4oz if that much without problem. Although I can tell I did start experiencing symptoms of dumping with any more than that. It's really hard to find fruit juices without a lot of sugar. Two brands that I did find were Snapple and I think the other is called Fuze. The first has two flavors, Kiwi Pear and Noni with only 1 gram of sugar per serving and about 10 calories. No artificial sweetners either and they are very good. It's pretty much the only juice I drink, don't know if you get them in Korea though. The second one I mentioned Fuze?? I think is the name. I only had it once. I believe only had about 1 gram of sugar and low in calories. As far as whole fruits, I haven't had any problems with eating what I've tried so far; watermelon; bananas; pears (canned in pear juice not syrup). Hope this helps. Take care Sue
   — yankeefan75

August 27, 2008
you shouldn't dump on natural sugars -- it's the added sugars you have to look out for -- even milk has natural sugars in it :) and did your Nut tell you 15g??? that seems a little high -- good luck
   — RCassety

August 29, 2008
I have heard different numbers from different people and different surgeons. Some people will say no more than 6gms of sugar in one sitting and some will say as much as 15gms of sugar to prevent dumping. I really love Diet V8 Splash although I don't have a jar of it now to know the specific numbers. Yummo. Yes, natural sugars can absolutely cause dumping. Good luck to you, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

August 31, 2008
I know I'm not as far out as others, only 6 mos. post RNY and 80 lbs lighter. I started expermenting with hard core sugar about 6 weeks out. I wish I hadn't. I can and always have been able to drink juice. The first thing I was given in the hospital was apple juice, no problem. I can't drink water without feeling terrible. It makes my pouch hurt, it doesn't matter the temp. I can munch on crushed ice though. I get sick with just the thought of phoney sugar fluids like crystal lite. I started drinking coolaid in little pouches ( 1/2 sugar strength), no problem, now I drink Minute Maid Berry punch w/ lots of ice. I limit myself to no more than 16oz. per day. Like I said at the beginning, I started pushing the envelope early on, it was Easter time and I had to have some Reese's peanutbutter egg. First it was a taste, then a half, then a whole, no problem. Now I can pretty much eat anything with moderation with no dumping except ice cream, more than 1/2 cup and I dump. It makes me mad that some regular food that I should be able to eat makes me throw up, but sweets and junk I have no problem with. I'm telling you this because everyone is different. You'll probably get responses from this post that say OMG, she's nuts, you can't do that. Actually, you can do whatever you want as tolerated, it's up to you if you want this process work for you. I'm not a nutritionist but I do have a Master's in exercise Physiology and had to have a lot of nutrition classes while in college. One thing I do know is that once sugar gets into your system, your system can't tell the difference between refined and natural sugar. When you eat fruit it takes your system a little longer to break everything down because of the fiber. It's not how you drink juice, it's how much and how fast you drink it. If you want the taste of real juice, drink only 1/2 cup and drink it slow, instead of mixing 1/2C. juice & 1/2C.water, it's the same amount of sugar. It's not a matter of weather you eat sugar and how much, it's how fast or slow you eat it. P. Bower
   — paulajaneb

August 31, 2008
I try new foods when at home on the weekends in cause they cause any trouble. I haven't had dumping yet, but have found if I eat too much carbs in the evening I'll have diarrhea the next morning
   — Susan C.

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