Does this gurgling and rumbles ever go away?

I am 3 weeks post RNY and have so much gurgling it makes it difficult to drink water. Has anyone found out why water tends to hurt the stomach when food does not. And does this last very long?    — kathysews (posted on December 9, 2008)

December 9, 2008
I dont know but I have the same problem, anything thicker then water goes down fine but water does cause some mild discomfort.

December 9, 2008
Good news, this does go away.... I had a huge problem drinking cold water for about 2 months, I still have issues sometimes with cold water.. The gurgling does dissipate..I am 5 1/2 moths out and have very few gurgling incidents now...if I eat the wrong things maybe but not that constant gurgling... I was told that cold water causes the stomach to cramp thus creating the gurgling and the hurting...
   — lori042499

December 9, 2008
Lori, I agree with you. It's the cold "shock" that causes the cramping and pain. The Vassal nerve is very involved in the parts of the body affected by GBS and it is what causes fainting at a shock and causes an athlete to pass out if they drink cold water when they are hot from a vigorous workout. The first few days after the surgery I would have killed for some shaved ice. After the "leak' test I could have it and it was heavenly. Then one day the pain started with cold water, ice, etc. It lasted a while then went away, but just avoid sudden shocks to your system and it will get better. :) Dusty @};-
   — Dusty Ray Vaughn

December 9, 2008
I really do only drink water at room temperature and I have for years. That's kind of why I was asking because I know it's not because of water being too cold. Popcicles don't bother me either.
   — kathysews

December 9, 2008
Some people have a lot of problems with regular water. Be sure you are sipping not drinking. Also try propel or adding crystal light. Not sure why this is better but it helps some people.
   — trible

December 9, 2008
I agree with the other posts; cold water bothers me too. For some reason, if I drink Crystal Light, it doesn't bother me. I only like the Wild Strawberry flavor though. Also, you might want to start taking Pro-Biotics to make sure your intestines have enough of the "good" bacteria our bodies need to digest food and help prevent gas.... Taking anti-biotics kills both good and bad bacterias unfortunately... Most pharmacies sell Pro-Biotics.
   — Gina S.

December 9, 2008
I would be careful with the wild strawberry flavor of Crystal Light. It has caffeine in it, which is a vaso-constrictor. My doc told me no caffeine durring the healing process. Good luck with the gurgling....
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 9, 2008
I make sure that I sip warm water with my first pill in the morning. That seemed to aleviate the "cramping" sensation. I can't put ice with my fluids during the day. Ice chips alone don't seem to bother because they have melted before they go down. Doesn't make sense but go figure.
   — DeniseHolstege

December 10, 2008
I'm not sure why water can be so bothersome. Even at 5 years...every once in a while I will drink some foreign water (water I am not used to from bottled water or at someone elses house in a different town) and it hits my pouch like a rock...It only lasts a minute or two usually...but wow! It's a punch in the gut...I have NO idea why this happens...I cannot drink Nestle bottled water....I get a belly ache every time! Weird thing though, so does my husband and he's not had WLS of any kind! So it kinda makes one wonder..."what's in the water?" My water at home is double filtered (I have a whole house filter and a refridge filter as well) and I have ZERO trouble with it ever...even cold...Something you might want to look into further...It might have something to do with the hardness or softness of water or the amounts of metals, ions, alkaline or acid, chemicals used to purify the water such as chlorine and salts...It could be almost anything!
   — .Anita R.

December 10, 2008
I wouldnt worry about the gurgling. For me it means everything is working well. Its when it doesnt I sometimes have problems with a full sensation in my throat
   — urbrat2

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