
I am looking into having a TT and I am just wanting to do a poll and see what you guys answers are. This will give me a better idea of what I am in for. #1- How did you sleep once you were home, in a chair or bed? #2- How long were you off of work? #3- How long till you were able to go to the store and walk around? #4- How long till you were able to ride in a car, lets say for an hour? #5- How is your scare now, is is bad/good? #6- Finally, how much did your TT cost you? Thanks ahead of time for these answers I havent been to see a Dr. yet and I know he will have all my answers but I's like to know from differant people what your expericances were. Thanks    — DBXX (posted on May 18, 2004)

May 18, 2004
#1- How did you sleep once you were home, in a chair or bed? I slept sitting up and then propped up on lots of pillows for about 5 months, but I had lots of complications. #2- How long were you off of work? Three weeks, but I pushed it. It should have been more like 5-6. #3- How long till you were able to go to the store and walk around? Did it in 2 1/2, but again pushed it -- needed clothes to go back to work. #4- How long till you were able to ride in a car, lets say for an hour? Within a week, no problem. #5- How is your scare now, is is bad/good? It's still red and raised. #6- Finally, how much did your TT cost you? Covered by Cigna after an appeal.
   — jen41766

May 18, 2004
Here's my input. #1 - I slept in bed for the most part. But I also did not sleep for long periods of time and would be up all hours of the night as it hurt less to sit. Basically I'd sleep for a few hours and then be up and then back to sleep etc. <p>#2 I was off 2 weeks and then started going back slowly part time. I found that I could work for about 3 hours then I would need to go home and lay down for about 2 hours and then I could come back for another couple of hours. It took me till week 5 before I actually consistenly worked 8 hour days. <p>#3 I was walking in the hospital the day after surgery. I actually went visiting and shopping 6 days after surgery but then I paid for it. I was feeling great that day but that was the last time for a few weeks. <p>#4 I had to ride home from the hospital which was an hour drive. I took pain meds right before I left the hospital and was able to make it. I had to visit the doc quite a few times in the first 6 weeks so I got used to the ride pretty quikcly. I actually bought some nice chair cushions that I got on clearance and I would sit on one and put the other behind my back. This did help a lot. <p>#5 My scar is coming along great. I am 3 months PO and have had my share of problems but it's all coming together now. My surgeon used glue to close the skin which is giving me a great finish - just a line. No staples marks etc. <p>#6 My insurance cover the full extended abdominoplasty. The hospital charges were about $19,800. Insurance paid 90% because the provider has an agreement to take a 10% reduction. The surgeon's fee was $5094. He also got paid at 90% because of their agreement. I actually had a lower body lift and I paid for the lateral thigh lift portion. My out-of-pocket was $3400 for the hospital and $2547 for the surgeon. The strange part was that the total hospital bill was $36,000. They determined that a little over $16,000 was associated with the lateral thigh lift. But because they offer a cosmetic surgery package the rest was a write-off. They charge $600 per hour for the OR and $250 per hour for anesthisa doc for a total of $850 per hour. They figured the lateral thigh lift portion was 4 hours. Just goes to show how much mark up there is if they can take $16,000+ of charges and only charge me $3400 and you know they are still making money or at least breaking even. I was in the hospital for 3 days but fortunately all of that was billed to the abdominoplasty. The even stranger part is if I had to pay for it all myself it would have been right around $21,000 as my surgery was over 10 hours and the 3 nights. Yet the total charges added up to $41,000+. The was way more than my WLS which ended up just over $26,000. <p>I am actually going in for phase 2 of my abdominoplasty on June 7th and this will also be covered by insurance. They approved doing it in two surgeries from the start. Due to strange anatomy it could not all be removed in one procedure. Hope all of this helps some.
   — zoedogcbr

May 18, 2004
1) I had my TT 4/19 and am still sleeping in the chair or propped up on the couch. I have tried to sleep a couple of times in the bed on my back - but that's not the way I like to sleep. 2) 2 weeks. Should have stayed off 3 but financial reasons would not allow it - I think I would be better off if I had given myself that 3rd week. 3) I would say I was doing pretty good about getting out and about in maybe 4 days. 4) One position in the car for an hour - couple of weeks. Haven't had to ride for an hour but for me just 1/2 hour was tough. 5) From the groin area to Hip on both sides are great and no problem from day 1. Area above the groin is another story. After 4 weeks, I am still red and have stingy pain. Lots of irratation in this area. 6) I know the quote the PS gave me was 7500, I don't know yet if the insurance has paid the full bill or if the PS is going to bill me the difference. Christine
   — bbjnay

May 18, 2004
I am 4 months post-op from a belt lipectomy, BTW. <br> #1- How did you sleep once you were home, in a chair or bed? I slept for a month in a recliner, which I did NOT do after lap RNY. <br>#2- How long were you off of work? I could work on my laptop from home, but I didn't have the energy to do THAT for about a week. Went to work at two weeks post-op, but I am able to take a little nap when needed.... and I eased back half days for a week.<br> #3- How long till you were able to go to the store and walk around? Um, I was able to go to ONE store one week after getting home... but the mall? Try three. I could be out for an hour or so, but I got tired very quickly.<br> #4- How long till you were able to ride in a car, lets say for an hour? No biggie there. Since I was sleeping upright, it was nearly the same thing. In fact, I remember falling asleep when my husband was driving up home from Target - two weeks post-op, and very short shopping time, maybe 30 minutes.<br> #5- How is your scare now, is is bad/good? My scar looks great. I always put on a good lotion after showering, as my surgeon recommended. It is a thin light red line... I would call it a pencil line. I had disolvable stitches and I could sometimes feel them with my fingers. But it's all good.<br> #6- Finally, how much did your TT cost you? My insurance paid for it all, since I had met my deductible. At Jan 20! Sad... I was quoted a cash price of $8,750 if insurance didn't cover. Thankfully they did, because my insurance co. was billed close to $30,><br> <br><br> I would highly advise talking with more than one doc. Some will work harder to get you approved, and it is good to know the person doing this well in advance.
   — kultgirl

May 19, 2004
Hi, I just wanted to say, thanx for posting your questions, and thnax for the answers. I also am looking into a tummy tuck w/hernia repair. I have submitted papers to my Ins, although it doesn't look good. Thanx again, Patricia 9-30-03 rny 314/188/190 past goal!!!
   — pateblkbrn

May 19, 2004
My TT was April 1st. #1) I slept in my recliner for the first week, then in bed propped up with pillows, about 4 of them. #2) I work a school, so during spring break, I went back to work 12 days later. Was ok, had to use a stool at the counter I stand at for about 3 weeks. #3) I could go to the store about 6 days into it, but only one. #4) My ride home was 1 1/2 hrs., so that was easy. Only hard getting in and out. Take your time! #5) My scar goes all the way around, and at first I felt like Frankenstein, but now, at 7 weeks out it is amazing how much better it looks. I am following my doctors orders of no sun for 1 yr. I want my scar to be a minimal as possible. #6) I was a self-pay. I figured my insurance covered my wls 100%, I could pay for this. I didn't want to go through the fight. So, my extended TT, lipo at hips/upperthighs, breast lift with implants, basicly the works from the upper thighs up, $10,092.00! Well worth it!!! Hope this helps!
   — Julie H.

May 19, 2004
Gosh, everybody thank you so much for your answers that really helps me. I am really trying to figure out how long I will have to be out of work. I am sort of self employed so I can take off a few weeks but once I go back to work I walk alot with my job I am in and out of stores contantly. Like on an average I might visit 9 stores a day most of my stuff is in and out but I guess I will have to take it easy and maybe just split up my days after a few weeks off. I am posting another question regarding differant types of TT please if you guys can check that one out to that would be great. Thanks
   — DBXX

May 24, 2004
To answer your questions - 1. I slept in bed. 2. I was off work for 3 weeks but could have went back to work after 2 weeks - 3.I was able to walk around after about 3 days 4. I was able to ride in a car after about a week 5. The scar is non-existent. I can barely see it and it hasn't been 2 year yet. 6. My tt was covered by insurance but the PS cost was $4200.
   — Patty H.

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