Not losing!

I was losing weight one week out, but now I seem to be stuck in first gear. I go back for my first visit in two weeks. I hope can take a aggressive approach when getting lap band fluid injections. Is this possible? Someone please help me stay on track! Jeff Caldwell    — jscduke1 (posted on March 26, 2007)

March 26, 2007
I am 6 weeks post op and 2 weeks ago I stopped and didn't lose any weight for one week but then I figured that it was that I wasn't getting in all the protein that I needed to everyday. It is hard to get 60-70grms in a day. I was barely hitting 30. So, I have been trying lots of different protein drinks and other protein supplements to get to at least 60 and it made a big difference. I notice that I have to hit it every day in order for the weight to come off. Good Luck
   — hugger1021

March 26, 2007
Hey Jeff, talk with your Dr. I know my Dr told me that my band wasn't really adjusted when it was installed, therefore I was still able to eat too much. I too wasn't losing any weight after the first week post-op. I'm hoping once they start tightening up the band that's when I'll start eating less therefore I'll start losing more weight. They did say it would be a slower loss with the band, hang in there. Dan
   — bigdooba

March 26, 2007
hang on jeff! in the first place u still have swelling from surgery-thats why we wait so long to get our first fill. also u dont want an aggressive fill! my first fill was .2 of .4 band and i was miserable and couldnt eat anything wo it getting stuck! I got chicken stuck so bad one day i had to go have emergency unfill!! you want to go gradually to learn how to re-eat again. trust me u dont want to go thru what i did. best of luck!
   — suzyins.d.

March 27, 2007
Hi Jeff, and thanks for writing. You said the magic words Jeff, "on track". You really on on track, so why stray? Don't let something like the scale discourage you from doing the right thing. Lap band, I believe, is a slower weight loss, there is no mal absorption, so it is all being absorbed, you just have the smaller pouch to work with. So, work with it. Exercise, water, and the diet program your doctor tells you to do, keep that up. It is a beautiful time of year to walk, and drink water before and after. Don't let the scale dictate your success. Eat like your doctor says, and get a good supply of walking or exercise and water. This will help you feel good about yourself and aid your weight issues. Your head will try and trick you into doing different. Our mind loves to play games with the obesity and try and convince us that we are better off being obese. Don't buy into it. You are only a short time since surgery, you didn't come this far to go backwards. You choose the lap band because you thought it was the right thing for you. You have put a lot of thought into this decision, so don't go backwards, just forward. Even when you want to change your mind, admit the truth, and then move forward not backwards. Take care Jeff, you can stay on track, but it is really up to you! Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

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