What are the essential vitamins I should be taking?

I have surgery in 6 weeks. I really would like to start taking my vitamins now. I have having gastric bypass. Can some one please help me???    — jackie L. (posted on October 12, 2008)

October 12, 2008
Hi Jackie, In the begining my Dr. had me on Flinstone chewables, sublingual B-12, and calcuim citrate. Since then I take adult chewable multi-vitamins, still my sublingual B-12 and I use Building Block Bariatric chewable calcuim (which is a citrate). But those are 4 a day, 2 in the am and 2 in the pm. Other than that you will need to check with the nutritionist to see what their regimen is. Best of luck to you, it is so exciting!
   — Jean N.

October 12, 2008
my dr. told me to take a one a day vitamin, until i had surgery and then the weight loss center told me to take opti-source vitamins, you can get them at walgreens, or, they are chewable, and don't taste bad at all, you can also get them at nestle health or something like that, you can do an internet search, they was cheaper through the nestle place, you take 4 of them a day, and nothing more. my bloodwork after 6 months came back good, except protein was low, I guess that was my bad!!
   — Lisa Koch

October 12, 2008
Dear Jackie, I don't know about the vitamins, but congratulations on your surgery!! That's so great - I had a lap band a month ago and, so far - so good. I think the hope we all get from this is really amazing. Best of luck (: -Barbara W.[aka, Oakroom]
   — oakroom

October 12, 2008
I took Bariatric Advantage Orange chewables for over 10 months but ran out and forgot to reorder so now I take Centrum Multi-vitamin that I swallow. I started taking my vitamins before I had surgery just to get in the routine of taking them. I take Biotin (I'm very lucky and never lost any hair after WLS), B-12 sublingual that you put under your tongue and let dissolve, Calcium Citrate, make sure it's not Calcium Carbonate because we have trouble absorbing the Carbonate and now I also take a B-complex, Vitamin D , Iron with a chewable Vitamin C . Good luck with your surgery.
   — DEBI R.

October 12, 2008
Jackie it is very crucial to start taking your vitamins before surgery. My Surgeon told me that, so you can get in the habit of taking your vitamins. I don't have my date yet , but I'm having the DS done. I wish you luck on your journey.
   — Judy Hardy

October 12, 2008
Jackie, your surgeon should have given you a list what he or she wants you to take. Each surgery has different requirments. For the DS and ERNY there are more doages to be taken compared to the lap band or RNY. You really need to talk to your surgeon about this and not listen to other people. But you should be taking them now before surgery. I wish you the best.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 12, 2008
The most effective vitamin / mineral supplement is a "liquid". You will only absorb 10-15% of pills and chewables. A good "liquid" vitamin / mineral supplement is VEMMA. It has 1000 IU of vitamin D3, very important. In addition take calcium citrate, B-12 sub-lingual and find a protein powder for shakes that you like. Go to Good luck !
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 12, 2008
With GB you will malaborb fat and nutrients...and therefore all your vits need to be supplemented forever...Regardless of people that tell you "don't listen to others" as if this isn't "questions and answers" or for people who live with the same surgery that you are having. You should always be your own health care advocate and question your doctors "opinions" and ours...if you ever doubt them ( or because you want to live a long time post op) ... We make mistakes...But so do surgeons and doctors. YOU know your own body better than anyone...and if something feels off, then it probably is. The problem with new post ops is that they think that because for 6 months or even a year or two that they have great labs that this is how it will always be...I thought the same! I was great for 4 years even! At year 3...Doc didn't even runs all tests because I felt great and kept my weight in check with no troubles. I thought that was weird but didn't question it...I will NOT make THAT mistake again. It takes the body a long time to use all its natural vitamin stores...and...Unless you have a WONDERFUL surgeon who compares all your labs past and present and takes the time to even order a full set of labs each time, you may not even know you are getting low or decreasing your stores UNLESS you personally keep an eye on your labs and levels...Often docs will only see if you are in range and that is their only concern...Meanwhile you could be great and then drop sharply but stay just above a low and with a year til next labs, become deficient to the point of becoming VERY sick. This happens quite often to many if not most 3-5 year post ops. I had a great surgeon and nut but I was almost completely malnourished at my 4 year mark...After much researchon vits and nutrition... Iam healthy again after battling malnutrition for the last 8 mos....Fat soluble vits can no longer be absorbed efficiently and dry forms of these vits eventually need to be supplemented...Fat soluble vits are A, D,E and K...These are often the vits that most RNYers become deficient in 3-5 years post op along with those that need stomach acid to be absorbed or the bypassed intestines (Two important vits are calcium and iron mainly)...Once Vit D goes...calcium and magnesium are close behind...If you are not watching your iron or B-12, anemia is sure to follow...Once your system gets low or deficient in a few vits it sends off a chain reaction that can leave your body in vit robbing your bones and other vit supplies fighting for nutrients and co-nutrients to do their job! This is when malnutrition can make you so very ill. Take an adult chewable to ensure you get the vits suitable for your ADULT body! Chewable's are not only for children... We are adults whose bodies are used to a large amount of food and nutrients...Take an adult vits regardless of what your doc tells you...FOR YOUR ADULT BODY!!! I don't say this because I "think" I know it all, I say it because I BELIEVE it and I LIVED thru malnutrition and prevention is the best and ultimate way to ensure your health! You need a sublingual B-12 and need to keep an eye on the levels...In high doses it's harmless...get low and you could have irreversible brain damage or anemia , heart attack or all!...Malabsorption is real and does not magically get better and you don't adjust as I was lead to believe...It get's worse and if you are not religious about taking your can guarantee yourself more serious problems later! Because of low to almost NO stomach acid with RNY, you must take calcium citrate with Vit D 3 and magnesium...These three ingredients in one chewable, liquid or powder all work together to help you absorb calcium....Without the Vit D3 (which is a dry form of D rather than oil form) You will not absorb calcium ...and while banders can take calcium as carbonate...RNYers will not absorb that form of calcium and it can cause gallstones too! TAKE calcium as Citrate twice to four times a day. You will only absorb 400-500 mg of calcium at one time (reason to take it at least twice daily, two or more hours apart for at least 1000 mg) I personally take 1500-2000 a day...(3-4 times daily with extra Vit D3) If you are menstruating you definitely need Iron (NO IRON SALTS!!!) as carbonyl (tender iron) or as amino acid chelate and various other NON SALT irons...Speak to your doc about IRON is NOT a friendly vitamin...If your Surgeon recommends Ferrous sulfate (iron salts) better start researching his choice immediately! It's useless to RNYers and yet many surgeons still recommend it because it is Iron-by-the-textbook and they are most familiar with it than other less toxic, more absorbable iron like carbonyl (Which got me out of blood transfusions and iron infusions!) ...Iron salt does more harm than it can ever do good...Docs do not often require extra vits beyond those that I mentioned...but a B complex (capsules) no pills, are a great supp for hair, skin and nails as well as energy and amino acid absorption (Aminos are what protein is made of and we are all DRUMMED and HAMMERED to death about the importance of protein) Is this too much info? Sorry, it's so important in years to follow! Watch your labs closely...Ask for copies and keep in a binder or folder for your own reference and DO NOT trust that your surgeon will even look or compare old labs to new ones...YOU do this for yourself because you are the only person fully in charge and responsible for your life and are the only person on this green earth who truly cares enough about you to survive as long as you can. You are having surgery because you want to be healthy and happy and all you about nutrition and vits in the GB body....Once you lose all your need be able to live in your thin altered body that no longer functions properly without supplements and vitamins. Or you can do as some others here advise and just listen to your surgeon and ignore the people on this forum because we don't know jack...don't live in an altered body and couldn't possibly have a clue let alone give good advice about the surgery we live with...
   — .Anita R.

October 13, 2008

   — Lisa C.

October 30, 2008
I agree with the other post below about the chewable vitamins, B12, and Calcium Citrate (not carbonate). The only other thing I would recommend is to find a good chewable iron tablet. They are hard to find anywhere but on-line. "Bariatric Advantage" has some great chewables......check them out. But don't forget the iron! Iron deficiency is the most common side effect of our surgery, so stay on top of it, or you will be sorry!!! (I was) -Darlene
   — dadebrito

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