I'm on a liquid diet (protein) but nothing is keeping me full .....

   — Aeads51987 (posted on July 4, 2011)

July 4, 2011
You need to tell us more. What kind of surgery did you have, when did you have it? Can we assume, when you say liquid, you mean protein supplement?
   — loveMIfun

July 4, 2011
Are you on the preop diet, did you have surgery??? The first three days are really tough, but after it isn't that bad, once you have surgery, you won't be hungry at all, well at least I wasn't.
   — FSUMom

July 4, 2011
is it head hunger? When in doubt, drink first. I had to really to some brain training on head hunger, clock hunger and "REAL" hunger. I have now learned that food is just "fuel". Make choice wisely... and always check with your nutritionist and surgeon. They know your body and your situation best.
   — Carla C.

July 5, 2011
Pre-op, my surgeon had me on liquid all day and a light meat & fresh veggie dinner. That made it tolerable. Post-op, I utilized sugar free jello a lot, but there wasn't any real feeling of hunger because of the almost constant sipping.
   — Ruthie D.

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