Were can I find out if how much I am/not loosing daily is normal?

   — ussneverland (posted on August 27, 2006)

August 27, 2006
Do you EXPECT to lose daily? I weighed once/month at my docs, except those first 2 weeks or so when I was there more often. The few times I was tempted to step on my scale at home, I rarely had lost ANY, but then the monthly check showed a chunk gone. It seemed to fall off in chunks, rather than a speck a day.
   — vitalady

August 27, 2006
Daily? That's not realistic. However, you might be interested in this: on the OH home page there is a Weight Loss Estimate Calculator. It will tell you if you're "on track" with your weight loss. A word of caution - this calculator is eeeeeevvvil. LOL. It's pretty much off for everyone. For me, it says I'm 20lbs behind. But I don't care, I've lost 76lbs in 5 months and I'm very happy with that! lol. I weight mostly at the doc's office...occasionally at home but not often. I go by how I feel and how my clothes fit. :) Take care
   — platypus

August 27, 2006
Where is this WL Estimate Calc?? The only thing I saw was the BMI Calc.
   — byHizgrc

August 28, 2006
There is no normal. Everyone is different. The biggest favour you can do for yourself is throw away the scale and only weigh once a month.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 28, 2006
Normal has quite a wide range. If you are losing at all, it is good. I lost very slowly, but kept losing at a steady rate. Now I am at a plateau. 5- 20 pounds per month, depending on how far out you are, is good. I only really lost twenty pounds the first month, then went to ten pounds, then five. Now i am not losing.
   — Novashannon

August 30, 2006
I weigh myself every Monday morning and I too was concerned that I was not losing fast enough. Four weeks post-op, I had lost 24.1 lbs (the doctor's chart said it should be 24 lbs). At the two month mark, the doctor's chart said it should be 49 lbs lost but actual loss was 40.1 lbs. When I went for my 3-month check-up, I asked the PA. He assured me I was losing at "average or above -- certainly not below average." I think it just depends on so many things, we can't compare our own stats with others. I am now 14 weeks post-op and have lost 52.7 lbs and feel great about it.
   — wwwlundy

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