Never feel full anymore....except right after I eat. Gained 40 lbs.

I am still unable to eat large portions (thank God). Not that many foods make me dump except high milk based products. Milk, cheese sauce etc. My biggest problem is that I can eat till I'm full (not much) but then literally an hour later I'm hungry again. I see a lot of posts that say 'just ignore the hunger" and I see their point, but lets be realistic........who can really ignore the head that turns to tummy hunger without turning into a bear that wants to tear everyone's head off if they cross my path. Anyone have good ideas for controling that hunger without "just ignoring it"? I really need some good ideas here, because I have gained back 40 lbs from my lowest weight.    — Shanysue (posted on October 29, 2006)

October 29, 2006
Maybe you are eating too fast Shannon because my doctor told me when you do this that's when you feel hungry 1 hour after you have eaten. I know that has happened to me in the past too. Phllis
   — silentwriter1949

October 29, 2006
I would say that may be you really need to go back to your doctor and see if there is a mechanical problem of course after you have done a lot of soul searching. Keep really good tabs on what, how much, when you eat and drink, your exercise and anything else you may think of. Trying going back to basics of protein first, no drinking with meals etc and see if there is an issue with your diet first before going to the doctor. Do that for a while and see what happens. Just keep in mind that if you have turned to bad eating habits it will take a while to change them. It may take up to 21 days to change one bad habit and to get back on track. Only you can do the soul searching to see if it is you or may be there is some sort of other mechanical or health issue that is interferring with your weight. Take care and good luck. Chris
   — ChristineB

October 29, 2006
Hi Shannon, try a protein drink instead of eating something. GNC has one called ISOPURE that comes in different flavors and is already mixed. It has 40 grams of protein with no sugar and no carbs. Plus they are very filling. So no do not ignore your hunger pains feed them with protien.
   — The One

October 29, 2006
Maybe try upping your fluid intake. I find when I am more hungry than normal it is usually because I have not had enough fluids.
   — Mommy2-5

October 29, 2006
Hi Shannon, I do not have an answer for you, but am right where you are. I am 4 years out (today!) and have gained 30 lbs from my lowest weight. I feel hungry ALOT and can sometimes eat large (normal) quantities. I feel a bit helpless now. I just see myself going back to where I was before and am almost embarassed to go to my 4 year checkup! I have not found an answer, but have lots of ??s for my doc when I go back in. Best of luck to you!
   — thecobles

October 29, 2006
It is hard to distinguish between true hunger - when your body really needs to eat, and "Head hunger," when you just want to eat something. The best thing to do is to drink woe water and go do something that disracts you from wanting to eat. I know I have trouble when something tastes good, and I just want to eat more of it. The hunger feels the same, but I know my stomach is full, because I am aware of how much it takes to fill it. Drink water! Or have a protein shake, since protein makes you less hungry.
   — Novashannon

October 29, 2006
My answer is liquids. Make sure to avoid drinking AT LEAST 30 minutes after eating, and then drink like a crazy person after that. I now drink well over a gallon of liquids each day (tea, cystal lite, snapple, fruit 20). When I leave the house, it's always with an Igloo cooler full of drinks. Each night before bed I mix up a huge batch of crystal lite in different flavors for the following day. It really helps control hunger for me.
   — blues-singer

October 30, 2006
HI Shannon, You did not say how far out you are, but, if you did not change your eating habits in that first year protein first, no liquids for 1/2 hour after eating low carb & low fat diet than yes, you can & will regain weight. I have also regaine about 30 lbs. I can eat just about anything as well. You have to NOT do that. Stick to a plan write everything down that you do eat. & make sure you are doing some kind of exercise even just walking. They operated on our stomachs not are heads & that is usually the hardest part to retrain. If you are at least a 1 yr out, you might try coming to the off-tract board to help with your regain. hope this helps some. Marilyn, the Bearlady
   — Marilyn C.

October 30, 2006
It's time to join the Grad list. No guarantee that you'll get the rest of the wt off, but there's also the trick of maintaining the loss you have achieved. There is a lot of combined long term experience on this list and I'd recommend it in conjunction with this site and any local lists you use.
   — vitalady

October 30, 2006
I too don't have an answer for your question (I need the answer too). I'm just over a year out and have the same situation. Thanks to those of you who responded with such good advice and info. I will try all of them with the hopes that one will work ( I know it will )!! Good luck to you on your fight to win this battle! Sure you can!
   — creatyvyti

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