Weight Gain???

I am 9 days post-op and the first week I lost 12lbs than the past couple of days I have been getting on the scale and I keep gaining weight. I gained back 5lbs. I am sticking to the post-op diet by the letter and I just don't understand how anyone can gain weight on 650 calories a day!!!!! Im really frustrated.... Is this normal??    — Rachelena (posted on March 19, 2008)

March 19, 2008
First off, weight loss is not always a straight line loss. Some times there are plateaus. Some times there are gains. There are a couple of possibilities that you need to consider. The first is: Are you retaining water? The second is: are you getting enough protein and exercise. At 9 days I think you can probably scratch the second. if this happens in the FUTURE though, keep it in mind. The FIRST scenario will probably resolve itself given time. In a few days or a week or so, you will lose the water and lose the weight. The SECOND is actually a GOOD thing if it is occurring! If the SECOND scenario is the case, what is happening is that the protein that you consume is being turned into lean muscle mass on your body by the exercise. Lean muscle weighs more than FAT so you can't measure your progress by the SCALE but you CAN with a MEASURING TAPE! If you are NOT dropping pound but ARE dropping INCHES, you are GAINING Muscle! MORE MUSCLE means LESS FAT! The lean muscle mass will help to ACCELERATE your weight loss! Having said ALL of that, there is a third possibility. Your body's Metabolism Set Point could have readjusted itself to starvation mode. This IS possible, but is also the least likely option. Give it some time. If things don't start working in a week or so you may want to contact your physician and get PROFESSIONAL advice.
   — hubarlow

March 19, 2008
Fluids were low when you got home and they might be building up. You are healing so just stick with the diet and the weight will come off. Take your measurements and record them so later on you have a a list to compair to. You will do great doing what the doctor told you to do. We all have odd weight holds or gains while following the plan, but then it falls off rapidly. BEST OF SUCESS TO YOU!
   — William (Bill) wmil

March 19, 2008
I know how frustrated you are. I had complications and had to stay in the hospital for nearly a month. I gained 15 pounds before I came home. But the weight DID come off. It may be slow or drop off really fast. It has a mind of it's own. :) I got in to a pattern where I wouldn't lose (or even gain a couple of pounds) for three weeks, then drop 8 - 10 pounds the next week. You just have to be patient and eat like you're supposed to. Get in your protein and water and the rest will take care of itself. Best of luck, Kim
   — kcox1960

March 20, 2008
Hi - Just keep following your plan that was given to you. Your body had gone through some amzaing things and is adjusting. Just make sure you are getting your fluids and protein in. If you see you are not progressing after a few weeks then speak to your nutrionist or doctor. Best of luck
   — niecie54

March 20, 2008
Rachel, please weigh once a week. Doing it daily can drive anyone crazy, so be careful not to do that. Once a week, early morning and (just my suggestion) with little clothing on. Get your best weight, and then stay off for the next week. if you are swelling, it could be water weight or something can be not right. Either way, I would check in with my surgeon and be sure there are no unforseen issues, and then weigh once a week. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

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