follow up

Here is the thing. I just had all this done and I am not diabetic and I am also hyPOthyroid. Someone once told me that you would start losing again a few years after the surgery. I thought maybe someone else had the same thing happen. I take all my supplements and would jump off a tall building if my doctor told me it would help(I always have done everything the doctor told me.) That is one of the reasons I think I have kept the weight off all this time. I just wondered if anyone else had this happen. I do appreciate all your concern. Rest assured I am okay. I just thought maybe this had happened to someone else. You guys are the best!!!!!!!!!    — CAMFR (posted on December 22, 2008)

December 22, 2008
Hi Carole, Congrats on being healthy and ok. If you are hypothyroid like I am; make sure they do a thyroid panel once in a while to make sure your dosage of medication is still working the way it should. If it needs adjusted listen to your doc. Sometimes thats all it is. You didn't state your age(not that you needed to)but the truth is the older we get our body goes thru some changes directly related to the aging process. A loss of weight can be one because we tend to eat differently and less than when we were young. If you are near menopause this makes a difference as well. Make sure you take vitamins and minerals; eat balanced and healthy; exercise. If you experience any other problems or start feeling sick; check with the docs. Good Luck to you and God Bless you, Merry Christmas, vinnigirl
   — vinnigirl

December 22, 2008
Greetings Carole Ray: I think perhaps I am the person you referred to as again losing weight after a long plateau. Most folks are of the mind-set that there is a honeymoon period (first 18 months) and it is down-hill and just plain difficult to lose weight after that period. I never believed that; but, I plateaued and there I stuck. I believe I wrote about this at My OH site. But, I have been slowly inching down since August of this year, losing 30# and am now only 30# from my normal goal weight -- where I was for most of my life. Congratulations on your 5 year success story! Christine Gibson, MS, MA,OH Coach and WLS Support Group Leader
   — Christine Gibson

December 22, 2008

   — .Anita R.

December 22, 2008
Your thyroid medication will have a BIG impact on how and when you will lose weight. I was losing weight like CRAZY for the first 8 months until my doctor made a DRAMATIC decrease in my dose of thyroid medication. After that I was under dosed, and my weight loss stopped. I did not GAIN weight, but I did not LOSE weight either. I am now in the process of trying to get the proper dosage adjusted for my current weight. It is taking several months to occur with blood tests and gradually increasing the dose of the medication. I am now losing the weight at a much slower pace. This is probably much healthier for me that the far more rapid weight loss that I was experiencing earlier. I was passing out before when I stood up because my metabolism was ramped up so much because of the high levels of thyroid hormone in my system. This causes a high risk of heart attack among other health problems. I need to get blood work done every three months to check my thyroid levels and then get my medication adjusted accordingly. As long as you keep on top of your thyroid levels, you should be fine. I hope this helps. Hugh
   — hubarlow

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