No more artifical sweetners??

I met with the nutritionist last week (my mgb surgery is scheduled for April 28th) and she told me that I will need to avoid drinks with artifical sweetners like Crystal Light due to the reason that they cause stomach upset. Anyone have any thoughts on this??    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on March 24, 2011)

March 24, 2011
Since my RNY in July 2008 I have had not one time where artificial sweeteners have caused me stomach upset. It hasn't caused me "pouch" upset either...what did, were the stupid protein drinks...and they still do.
   — Dusty Ray Vaughn

March 24, 2011
Okay I thought I was the only one with that problem. Crystal light was fine for me, I found as well that I wouldn't use a whole pack either. So try cutting down on the amount per 8oz of water. Protein drinks are rough for me but I keep trying different ways. Milk is just horrible, lactaid, 2%, silk all give me gas. Good luck you must keep trying to get that protein in.
   — Jrice423

March 24, 2011
I am almost 7 months out and in the early months I did have pouch upset when I tried using Splenda. I still don't eat very much but can use a little now. Good luck with your journey!
   — loveMIfun

March 24, 2011
I never had any problems with artificial sweetners. I had RNY 4 years ago.
   — Muggs

March 24, 2011
I'm two years out from RNY, and I HATE water. Crystal Light is my friend. I can drink all of my 84 ounces and more with Crystal Light, and my nutritionist said that was fine with her, as long as I was getting in the water, and it didn't have caffeine. So, I do Crystal Light, Ocean Spray on the go, and now some Lipton Tea tangerine mango on the go stik paks. I can drink one of those big Glaceau Smart Water bottles in the morning and another in the afternoon, and another in the evening. They work for me, and I don't have any problem at all. However, my partner says that drinking anything with Splenda seems to cause her to bloat. I guess you just have to judge what it does to your body through trial and error. Like, althought I am a consummate coffee lover, I can no longer drink it. Found out that the ACIDS in the coffee cause severe inflammation in my gut....the pain just doubles me over. Has for years, but never connected it to coffee. Had MRIs, CAT scans, Upper and Lower GIs, they never found out what it was until I was told I had to get off all caffeine prior to the surgery. Realized that after a few weeks, I wasn't having the gut pain... but still didn't connect it to coffee. Then, tried a cup about 5 months out... and within 24 hours was doubled over in pain again. Even tried decaf... but no go. It is the actual acids in the coffee itself that cause my pain.... and that is a very sad thing, since coffee is one of my favorite beverages. So.... stuck with Crystal Light.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

March 25, 2011
I'm 19 months out and can't handle certain drinks like Crystal Light. Whatever artificial sweetner they use really reacts with my system. Yet, I drink a lot of hot tea with splenda and have no problems what so ever.
   — Kathleen W.

March 25, 2011
Ste-via is a natural sweetener that does not upset the stomach. It comes in Truvia or Purevia brands. Water was hard for me to drink after surgery so I drink a lot of decafinated iced tea sweetened with ste-via.
   — Lisa von Wallmenich

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