How to lose gained weight?

Ok, 7 years out, have done wonderfully... all that this whole process is intended to do, it has done. I've made full use of my tools/gifts, (160-ish pounds gone) and I intend to keep it up. It's all pretty good, except for the 20 that keeps coming and going. It's gone down pretty easily in the past, usually on it's own after my life has evened out, but not any more. Is this what happens after this long out? How do I kick its butt and get rid of it? Go back to the basic eating? I don't vary much from that now, that's why it has never stayed on very long... I'm worried, any tips to jump start things would be greatly appreciated!!    — CharlieGirl (posted on March 28, 2007)

March 28, 2007
I don't have any words of wisdom for you since i am still Pre Op but i just wante dto congratuate you for losing the weight and keeping it off for 7 years........ Great work..... Michele
   — michelemcd

March 28, 2007
In the past I have always jump started weight loss with a crash diet. No other words to really explain it. I might do the whole SlimFast thing or Atkins again. And once I get the weight off it usually stays off for about a year. I am a little over 6 years out and I go from 145-180 all the time (but I am tall and it doesn't affect my clothes too much - they just get a little tight)... A good rule to live by is to step on the scale once a week, same day like Sunday and see where you are at so you don't gain a whole 20 pounds, but maybe only gain 5 pounds and then have to loose just 5 instead of 20. It's pretty impossible to rid the stressors out of our life that cause us to binge on those horrible foods, but if you find the trick then share it with me.
   — JGDugar

March 28, 2007
I will be 4yrs out in August and have gained 25 lbs..I started the Karen B' Timer Plan on Monday and the scale finally moved, down 5lbs.. this has not moved in a while...I am sure it is water weight...but whatever it is I am encouraged to keep going.. Try it out...
   — Tyecha

March 28, 2007
Hi Charlotte, Wow, 7 years out and doing well! My hat is off to you girl, that is great. You have done so well. I think you really know what to do. You sound like a very smart woman. Going back to basics, perhaps protein drinks, exercise and water for a few weeks could possibly knock you into range again, but remember that this is really just a trick. Once you begin to lose the weight, you have to teach your body that it will be more comfortable at the lesser weight. Our bodies want to go back to the higher weight, so the head games are played. You have to decide how important these 20 pounds are to you and how much you are willing to exercise to keep them off. You probably already exercise, but perhaps changing your routine and adding something more to your routine will help. I wish you well, but if you don't have the time or the inclination to beat off these 20 pounds for good, you might want to consider that you look great the way you are? How old are you? I am 46, and enjoy my smaller size, but my age shows in my size too. I am content with that. If you have the drive, then go for it. If it is something you really want, than it is still in your grasp, you just have to look outside the box and go for it. I wish you well, and again congratulations on success for 7 years! Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

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