I am 6 weeks post op and I have lost 41 pounds so far. I started at 310 and 5'1.

I am just scared that the weight loss will stop since the needle on the scale has not changed in a few days. Please give me some help. I want to know what I can do to speed the weight off.    — shantrism (posted on October 24, 2005)

October 24, 2005
Dont let the scale not moving bother you..Your body is becoming adjusted to the loss..41 pounds in 6 weeks is FANTASTIC!! Keep up the great work..Its just a little plateau, you will be fine!! Keep doing what your doing, and you will see the scale move!! Huggs Jen
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 24, 2005
Focus yourself on making better food choices, protein and fluid intake rather than becoming a slave to the scale. I'm 9 months out and only get weighed at the doctor's office when I have my consults with my surgeon. Although I am considering an at home scale I will only weigh myself once a month when I do. You will sometimes lose inches not pounds so do not be discouraged! If you follow the rules of the pouch and exercise you will do fine. Take care. Prycey Lady RNY Laproscopic 2/2/05 373/248/185??
   — one twenty five sixty to go

October 24, 2005
Shantris, Don't get discouraged by the needle on the scale not working. WEight fluxuations and drop offs happen. But the first suggestion I have is to not weigh yourself all the time. That will only discourage you when you don't lose weight. Weigh yourself like 1 time a week. Much oif the time the scale doesn't show weight loss is because of water. If you are taking in a lot of water it can stay in you. My two cents: stay off the scale and weigh once a week. I am now almost 9 months post-op which wil be Nov. 8th and I have lost 178 lbs. Trust me, you will be fine. Just keep doing everything the doctor tells you and you will do great. If you need anything or have anymore questions, email me. [email protected] I'd be happy to talk back and forth with you!!! Goodluck and God Bless, Brandon
   — Brandon H.

October 24, 2005
41 lbs. in just 6 weeks is AWESOME!! Just keep thinking..."in my life, have I ever lost that much so quickly?" That always seems to get me out of my little emotional ruts about losing. However. I have noticed, when I am not eating enough, my body puts a death grip on my fat and I won't lose anything. It's important to make sure you eat plenty. so your body doesn't think it's starving. Protein protein protein. =o)!!!
   — missfranca

October 24, 2005
I too was concerned when the needle did not move on the scale. I was convinved to stop getting on the scale daily. Just remember to get in your protein, water and exercise. That is the key to success. It is very discouraging but the weight will continue to come off. Be patient. it did not take over night to put it on right? Good luck to you and keep a positive attitude.
   — malzosso

October 25, 2005
This is a marathon not a sprint. Addictive personalities don't need to stress over a few days. Follow the program, keep the faith, and don't give up or get discouraged.
   — Alan S.

October 25, 2005
41 pounds in six weeks is very good! Your body needs to adjust to the weight loss. I am ten months post op, and also five feet one inch tall. I find that my body stops losing every once in a while for over a week, and then starts losing again. I do not lose quickly, but the needle is sstill going down! My husband claims that the weight is redistributing when it stalls.
   — Novashannon

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