Concerning air pockets or gas bubbles.

I wanted to know if anybody has experienced this annoying problem. I am 6 weeks post op, and have been dealing with constant problems with air pockets rising up from my pouch and than settling in my throat. Than when I finally belch, the bubble dissapates, but another comes up and just sits there again. Has anyone out there experienced this early out as well. It's been going on for a few weeks. I have making sure that I sip when i drink and everything! I need some insight into this issue please. Thanx.    — robin.s2000 (posted on January 11, 2006)

January 11, 2006
I'm 3 1/2 years out and constantly have air bubbles and belch and always have done.You get used to it and in time you learn to produce belches when something is not sitting right and it helps take away the unconfortableness. Also remember not to lie down til an hour after eating as this makes it worse. happy losing
   — elenav

January 12, 2006
My partners surgeon told her to keep antacids on hand for the gas -- preferrably chewables and chewable Flintstone vitamins.
   — the7thdean

January 12, 2006
I have the same problem and I am 8 weeks post op. My doc says this is normal, it is part of your stomach learning again how to deal with food. It makes it very difficult to eat anything because it doesn't matter how much I chew. This is a very uncomfortable feeling and usually makes me a little nauseas. This usually happens if I am going to vomit, but then there are times where I just have bubbles and I feel like I should vomit but don't. I hope it ends soon either way because this is the only thing preventing me from eating. Otherwise I can eat perfectly fine. I just hate that uncomfortable bubbly feeling. Antacids don't work for me for this feeling either.
   — j_m_easter

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