Wanting to find people who have had plastic surgery and have pics

I am only 2 months but I am looking down the road. I am 6'1" and I have 292 pounds that I would like to lose. I am 32 and I don't know how much of my skin will shrink back if any. If anyone has had skin removed and has pics they don't mind sharing and on the slim chance you live in Indiana and know of a good surgeon for this please leave me a message. Thank you.    — Nicole S. (posted on January 9, 2007)

January 9, 2007
I have a friend that lost 260 lbs. She had the surgery to get rid of all the excess skin. And a boob job. She does have alot of scars, on legs and arms, but it doesn't bother her at all, and let me tell you, when she is dressed up and the scars are covered, she is a brick house.Best of luck
   — pattipooh59

January 10, 2007
At your age I think you will be amazed at how much of you will shrink down, especially with exercise. I have a friend in her 50's who has lost almost 200 lbs and doesn't need PS. I myself could use a little if I wanted to wear a bikini, but I don't think it's worth it! Relax for now and enjoy watching your body disappear. I hear you should wait at least two years before plastics to make sure you're maintaining your weight. At least that was one docs opinion. Best to you! :o)
   — christi_in_VA

January 11, 2007
Nicole, don't be in such a hurry to make decisions like this. Every "body" is completely different. You may have skin issues, and they may not be as bad as you think. We all think about it, but wait, atleast 18 months before you make that type of decision. You have to see your own dedication to exercise and muscle tone. Surgery will not define you, exercise will. You strength will be needed for recovery. I am almost 3 years out, and about 18 mons out I had a tt (I needed a tt as a precurser to some gyn surgery that I had 6 months later). It is a big surgery and a very big recovery. I thought at first I would have a tt, and maybe my arms done, but after the tt, I will live with my flappy arms and wear 3/4 sleeves (even with surgery and a huge scar I would have to do this anyway), and I call my theighs my two charpea puppies (Mut and Jeff). Spandex is a wonderful tool, and I dont really want anymore cutting on my body overall. I wish you well, just don't be in a hurry. Take care, Patricia P (I am very happy with my tt, and am glad I did it, but that was enough)
   — Patricia P

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