Any ideas of how to have plastic surgery without insurance and extra money ?

I am almost 3 yrs post op and I feel like I am only half finished with the project I started. I have gone to a plastic surgeon for a consulation on what I should have done and I need a lower body lift and boob lift. He quoted me a price, but I can't afford it. I do NOT have good credit, so financing or loan is out of the question, I don't have a savings with money to put down and pay out the rest. Insurance isn't going to pay, so does anyone have any ideas on how to have this done?? I live in Arkansas, but I would be willing to travel somewhere if I can get it done. Thanks    — teedegee (posted on January 9, 2007)

January 9, 2007
Hi, I was wondering if you have had your doctor tell the insurance that the PS you need is medically needed? My insurance will pay if it is medically necessary. Just a thought and good luck! Also MBNA bank gives out loans for medical reasons. I got a loan with them to have a medical proceddure that was not covered by my insurance a few years ago. You can look them up on line. Take care Cira
   — Cira S.

January 9, 2007
If your doctor determines your surery is medically necessary, for examples do you get infections in skin folds, are your breasts very heavy and do they cause problems with your neck and back etc. Is there any chance you may have a hernia, because I've been told a tummy tuck is covered with a hernia repair.
   — jlw0423

January 11, 2007
There is no cheap out with plastic surgery. I don't know your story or how bad your "skin issues" are, but don't go to a cheaper surgeon, it could cost your life. Quality surgery is worth paying for, or worth doing without. I am almost 3 years out, and did have a tt (insurance did pay after a fight, and change in insurance plans), but I won't have any other done for a long time, or at all. I have flabby arms and my theighs, I call them my charpea puppies (Mutt and Jeff). Spandex is our friend and I use it, and it is enough for me. If you can't pay for it, then find other ways to hold it together. It may not be the A plan, but it is a plan. Best to you. Patricia P
   — Patricia P

January 11, 2007
Maybe this can help with finan
   — itsmekaren

January 12, 2007
Hello, Went thur DoctorsSayYes .net Try sign ing up at They will give you a lot of info in The US and in other countries. I'm having my Tummy Tuck in Lawton Okla. But I plan to go to Tiajauna Mex. in Aug. for breast lift and implants,plus having my arms done with Dr. Fluentes. About PSJ .com when you sign up it can take up to 2 weeks before they will confirm you joining the group.I Have found them to be so helpful. There is also a PS fourm here that is fantastic also. Good luck Robin
   — Robibob

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