hi all, i just had ryn open on dec 11 and i am still bleeding 2-3 times a day

it seems to be 2 spots on my incision but is bleeds through my bandges and its very scary. i am tired and sore and very very scared. any one have this happen to them and how did they fix it. if i could go back in time i would never have done this.    — pinky_711 (posted on December 19, 2008)

December 19, 2008
I would go ahead and call your surgeon and let him know about the bleeding and see if you should get in for a visit. Did you have a one week post op visit? If so, what did he say about the bleeding then? It hurt my heart to see you say if you could go back in time, you would never have done your WLS. What else is going on? It is very normal to be weak and tired and have some pain. Remember, you have just survived major surgery. I think most of us hit a wall at times and wonder "what have I done"? I remember a couple of days after surgery (open hernia repair and LapBand) I was so miserable, exhausted, starving and in pain and was crying while writing in my journal just that. I also wrote- "I paid someone cash to make me feel this bad". I was a self pay. Each day got a little bit better, I could do a little more, move a little more, eat a little more and got a little more energy. It didn't happen quickly that's for sure. Please try to cut yourself some slack and hang in there. Keep in touch if you'd like and remember that you are not alone. We are here, we've been where you are and made it through in time. Healing takes just that. Try to be patient. Best of luck, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

December 19, 2008
my surgeun is 12 hrs away but i had some bleeding in the hospital and he was not worried and let me come home any way. it is so scary and i am afaid that something is going to go terriblably wrong and i will die. i know that i am at risk for major/death threating complications for up to a month and i cant stop thinking about it. i cry a lot and cant get any sleep because i cant stop thinking of all the horrible things that can go wrong.
   — pinky_711

December 19, 2008
Hi...I can relate believe me !! I had Open RNY on Nov. 4th...and felt exactly as you're feeling right now !! I'm still not at the point where I can say I'm glad I did this and I'd do it again in a minute ~ but I know that I will get to that point...eventually !! And it really does get better...with time. I'm just a little over 6 weeks out and can do more, eat more and the pain is finally gone, for the most part. I didn't have the bleeding and I do hope you contact your surgeon's office..."better safe than sorry". If somethings going on...don't just put it off thinking it'll get better in a day or two...go to your ER if necessary...they can always send ya home...but IF it is something more serious at least you'll be in the right place. Take Care and Good Luck !!
   — debz_58

December 19, 2008
Im alittle over 3 months out and the first half was difficult. Even ended up back in hospital 3 weeks postop for a week. I can tell you know I am so glad I did this. I feel so muck better. I have to say, if you have concenrns, Dont post them on her. CALL your surgeon. He can tell you what is normal or not. And if your still concerned go to the ER. Just DONT let your emotions get the best of you. It does you no good at all.
   — urbrat2

December 19, 2008
Sherry,please call your Dr ,your fear is over riding your good judgement.WE all wondered the same thing immediately post op but it will get better and u will be glad when this turns around.It is very normal to be tired and down at this point but even if he is 12 hrs away u need to talk to the surgeon or do u have a follow up DR closer to u.It proberly is just a stitch or two that has come loose and can be corrected easily but u need to see about it .Good luck and please keep us posted on what happens i care
   — Bette Drecktrah

December 20, 2008
If you are looking for reassurance about the bleeding, call your surgeon. If you want someone to look at it and reassure you, you could also get in touch with your primary care doctor and/or go to the ER. I would also suggest talking to your surgeon or doctor about your fears... it might be helpful to talk to a counselor or therapist to get you through this part. Some anti-anxiety medication might be helpful too. Talk to your doctor. You are going to get through this but it will take some time to adjust. There are a lot of great people on obesity help who can give you support... so keep posting. Hang in there! :)
   — mrsidknee

December 20, 2008
I just got home of Tuesday from a Lap RNY that turned open because of complications. This morning I was still really, really sore and not feeling well. Last night in the middle of the night I moved a little differently than I normally do and I pulled where my incision was. I immediatley noticed a foul smell that I hadn't noticed before. I called the Dr's answering service this morning when I get back up and My Dr called me back, he constantly kept telling me if something doesn't seem right no matter how minor it may seem not to hesitate to call because your body tells you when something is wrong. I ended up meeting him at the hospital and he looked at my incision, sure enough I had started to get an infection he had to open up the incision, clean it out and now it's repacked. I now have to flush the area for the next 4 days 2 times a day. So what I want to say is if you are not feeling well call your Dr explain you should be looked at.
   — Marcie H.

December 20, 2008
Shelley, Please get to your doctor ASAP; if not go to the ER. And try to relax; YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I am considering a revision. I had this surgery 10 years ago when it was much less common than it is today. The rest of us are here for you and you can communicate further if you wish; i am [email protected]. PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP! I didn't and I made it. So did all these other people who are telling you the same thing; hang in there; it does get better. But this is major surgery and it takes time to recover. Also this recovery is an individual basis for the most part. But definitely get to the doctor or the ER as soon as you can. You are in my prayers, Good Luck and God Bless you, vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

December 21, 2008
I had the similar when I had my surgery, I was open from Sept 6 to Christmas 05, My doctor used silver nitrate.(sp) Do not be discouraged talk to your doctor and their staff. Your in my thoughts.
   — msgief

December 22, 2008
Hi there, I had my surgery on Dec 12th and I am still bleeding a bit, gets on my clothes and sheets. My dad is a surgeon and he looked at my site and said not to worry unless it is gushing blood. It is normal (according to him), especially if you had a drain for it to bleed a little bit and can do so for quite a while. If you are experiencing gushing blood or have swelling and redness or puss coming from the site then you should call you doc immediately. Hope all is well otherwise and good luck. (It is nice to find someone who had surgery at about the same time as I did)
   — brindledanes

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