5 years out-going on nutrisystem IS IT GOING TO WORK????

I am at my 5 year anniversary. I have been at 180lbs for about 3 1/2 years. I have been told by my doctors I need to try and loose some weight. Will the nutrisystem work for us gastric bypassers???    — MAGICG9 (posted on May 5, 2006)

May 5, 2006
Jeannie, I think any diet will work, if you are able to maintain that lifestyle, but why would you want to go to a place like NutriSystem when you have the best tool around built right in? If I were you, I would pretend I had surgery yesterday and start on a week of liquids< then soft foods< and then semi soft< and so on> that is the best diet yet. I was on NutriSystem for three months before my WLS days and I managed to lose 5 pounds in a month and gain that back and 10 for good measure. Stick with the pouch rules and you will begin to lose again. Good luck to you. Missy
   — Missy H.

May 5, 2006
Yes I've got to agree, Why do something it sounds like your not very sure of and waste not only your time but your money. Get back to basics I've read from others to other simular questions. Get back to pure protein and stop the carbs. You have the tool and the pounds will shed away as though you just had the surgery.
   — Michael Eak

May 5, 2006
yes my sister is doing this. she let me look at and eat some of her food. it may be higher in carbs than typical no-carb low carb diets. the amounts of protien in thier food is of the charts! that more than accounts for extra carbs. then add to that the smaller portions.great choice. best of luck with it! vicki gf
   — vickig

May 6, 2006
Not sure what all the excitement tall are you for 180 to be to much weight? What weight does your dr want you to be? I'm down to 226 and the wife don't really want me to lose very much more.
   — RobertMiller

May 29, 2006
Why in the world would your doctors want you to lose more weight? You look great and I think that weight isn't excessive. Anyway, I wouldn't bother with the "diets".... Just go back to the basics. Protein, Protein, Protein, and exercise! :0) Good luck and HAVE FUN!
   — SJP

May 30, 2006
THANK YOU ALL!!! Your answers have really been great!! I am 5' 0" and I have Extra Small bones and my weight should be between 121-134 So yes, I should and really do need to loose. I will try the "Back to the Begining" way. Nutrisystem is not working. Wish me luck. Again THANKS for all the responses
   — MAGICG9

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