what the frigg?!?!?!?!?

hello all...i know that i've heard people complain about this before but i never paid attention before because i didn't have the problem til now....i'm 8 mo out and had lost 110lbs,...within a week i've gained 5lbs back! at first i just thought it was my time of the month but it's been a few days! how long is water weight supposed to last? i don't do anymore than 1000 calories a day, do circuit training 5x a week for an hour, hike at least a couple of times a week for 2 hours and drink plenty of water so i don't know what the hell the problem is... i don't feel bloated or that i've gained weight...any thoughts on the matter? thanks    — lizzie42 (posted on January 21, 2008)

January 21, 2008
Weight pleteaus are not uncommon. I attend several support groups monthlyl, and I've heard of this happening. Sometimes, it is similar to not loosing weight period. You don't loose weight, but you loose inches off of your measuremnts. Perhaps, some of your exercising is developing muscle? Muscle bulk can add weight.
   — Dave Chambers

January 21, 2008
Have you eaten anything that contains more sodium than normal? Or any carbs that might cause what they call a "false fat" to come on. Meaning it's not a true fat, it's fluid retention from certain foods. I learned a lot about false fat foods when trying to figure out why I had gained 10 pounds in just a couple of days. I had eaten more of a new food than I had realized. Other than that....I'd have no clue why you'd gain so suddenly unless it is water retention. I'll keep up with what other people tell you so I know what to prepare for down the road! Good luck....and congrats on an awesome weight loss! Cheryl
   — Cheryl K.

January 22, 2008
It could be you are gaining muscle. Which would be good for toning. Have your body fat percentage checked at your gym. Don't freak out...sounds like you are doing everything right.
   — tiffany380

January 29, 2008
I to have gained a couple of pounds. It is upsetting to me to. I will be 1 year out on Feb 6th. I find I need to keep busy. I am hungry all of the time. Time to get back with the program. guess we will have to help each other. good Luck.
   — lambie20507

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