burning muscle and not fat

I have a friend who is 19months out and having problem with burning muscle and not fat.. what can she do ? Thanks Amber    — Amberlee2002 (posted on March 24, 2008)

March 24, 2008
If that is what a doctor or her nutrionist has told her, she probably needs to up her protein. That's why you need extra protein, to keep your muscle mass.
   — Dave Chambers

March 24, 2008
Maybe she should try less cardio and more toning/strength exercises for now and definitely try to get more protein...When I work out hard...I use amino acids...I will start as soon as the weather is nice to swim again...
   — .Anita R.

March 24, 2008
she needs to take 2000 mg of calcium 2x a day .and and 25000mg of vitamin d every day. your prteine drinks isnt enough. you need whole grains, walnuts, lagoons, and beans is a sources of protein.
   — yvettetas

March 25, 2008
Feed her body Protien, at least 70 percent opf her calories from pretien, like meat, fish, soy beans, low fat dairy, etc.
   — William (Bill) wmil

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