Would like to correspond with others who have regained weight

I had open RNY surgery in March of 2002. I lost about 100 lbs and over the years have regained about 65 lbs back. I would like to correspond with others who are going through the same thing. My email address is [email protected].    — Kittylover56 (posted on June 5, 2008)

June 5, 2008
There is a new procedure out there that seems designed just for you. It is called stomaphyX. You can get the basic idea of the procedure from here: . Do some research on your own and see if you can find a surgeon in your area that can do the procedure. Basically the short version is that they place a device down your esophagus and use some posts to draw the sides of the pouch up and make the available volume of the pouch smaller. There is no cutting involved. The entire operation is done through the esophagus and inside the pouch. I hope this helps, Hugh
   — hubarlow

June 6, 2008
That would be me!! Contact me anytime. [email protected] :)
   — bariatricdivalatina

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