I have Tricare, Has anyone dealt with them for the tummy tuck?

January 31st I will be one year out from my Lap RNY. What are the odds of getting a tummy tuck paid by Tricare. I have no sores or infections caused by the skin, it is just a lot of sagging stretchmarks. Any advice is welcome. How long should I wait to try to have it done. I have been at goal weight for 4 months.    — heartsablaze (posted on December 23, 2008)

December 23, 2008
Tracy, Congrats. Probably as soon as you can; if they will even consider doing the surgery. Anyways, you may also need a panniculectomy; if you have a lot of sagging skin that doesn't tone up with exercise. Some insurance companies will pay but I don't know if Tricare is one, check with your docs and your insurance company. vinnigirl
   — vinnigirl

December 23, 2008
I had a tummy tuck with tricare and they were absolutely no problem getting approved. I didn't think they would cover it and went to a plastic surgeon to find out how much it would cost. He said we should put it in for insurance first. He took TONS of pictures along with info on weight loss, etc. I was approved about 4 days after they sent in the paperwork with no questions or problems whatsoever. I did have alot of skin from having a panni (c-section, weight loss)....good luck!!
   — Angie P.

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