calling on your help....with my diet

i had a open rny roughly 2 weeks ago and have been managing pureed food ok not eating alot mainly drinking water much to the dieticans dismay but have no appetite. she told me on my check up a few days ago i should be on a cracker with cottage cheese..this overwhelms me when i cant even get in 2 tbs mashed fish and spud. anyhow i tried i cracker over the course of 15 minutes i had a suffocating feeling and the cracker came up like a long sausage..soory for the description.but it was all compresed then today i tried a large tablespoon of mashed up salmon and again it did the same thing but over the course of 5 minutes. i have just tried to eat some mushy cereal and have kept it down but the milk came up. i am considering phoning the dietican as she wont mind but thought id seek advice from all that are actually expirenced in this rather than have a tex book quoted at me... could this be a blocked stoma and if so what are the symptoms and how is it diagonosed and treated.. xmas is here any minute and the last think i want is to be hospitalised with this but im getting to scared to eat so am just drinking water to be safe... thanks for any advice give    — [Anonymous] (posted on December 18, 2001)

December 18, 2001
Everyone's dr. is different, but most all WLS post-ops are on liquids for 2 - 4 weeks. Broth, lots of water (sip slowly!), jello, very thin cream of wheat, cottage cheese but no cracker, etc. I think you're eating food that is way too heavy for your new tummy. It also sounds like you need to chew what you are eating to mush before swallowing. Try going to powdered protein or pre-mixed protein, sugar free drinks. I thought I was going to "starve to death" before my 4th week was up. I was craving an egg, which was on the 2nd 3 weeks list...I ate it and immediately threw it up. Good luck!
   — [Anonymous]

December 18, 2001
Everyones stomach is going to react different but i agree with the first post that you are trying to eat things that are too heavy or rough for your new pouch. Graduate up slowly, My first few weeks i was on clear broth or cream soup,protein drinks,applesauce things like that. I was even eating baby food i thought if it goes down well for them it should be fine for my new pouch. It actually worked and didn't taste all that bad. Take your time sip and chew real well trust me it will get better as the weeks go by and your new tummy adjusts.
   — [Anonymous]

December 18, 2001
If your stoma is closing, the procedure is about a half hour little quickie. More inconvenient than anything. No hospitalization required. We're on clear liquids for the first 4 weeks, protein drinks start at 1 week, so we're not malnourished, but we don't push the pouch, either.
   — vitalady

December 18, 2001
Our surgeon has us eating soft foods BEFORE leaving the hospital and everyone does fine with his plan. Yes, all docs are different and some do liquids for an extended period of time. I was eating turkey at 2 weeks and did great. It was of course teeny tiny bites chewed super well. That doesn't mean every one will do fine on this plan, there is a reason why they all have different plans. I don't think the problem you are having is due to the food choice. If what you are eating is coming back up, and if it continues/gets worse, please be seen about this. It is definitely a possibility that you have a stricture, and that is pretty miserable. Out of 100's of patients of our surgeon, I am #6 to get a stricture. Didn't think it would happen to me given the odds. And I had it twice. Recently. The scope and dilation were not that bad, and I feel SO much better now. I hope this gets resolved for you.
   — Cheri M.

December 18, 2001
Crackers, if chewed well turn to dust and go right thru our pouches. Like potato chips they have little substance and no volume when crushed and chewed.
   — bob-haller

December 19, 2001
I wasn't supposed to have crackers until several weeks postop. So it could be too much for you too handle yet. All I could handle at first was mashed potatoes and sugar free jello. Then a scrambled egg, then tuna, then back to mashed potatoes as the tuna made me sick the second time. I had a really hard time with food for the first six weeks. So my recommendation would be to try easier foods. Good luck.
   — Elizabeth A.

September 24, 2003
Hi, I am a newbie (WLS & gall bladder removed 9-16-03, 250/227/160) and maybe not so qualified to answer this but here goes....... We are all on complete liquid diets for 3 weeks, soft, mushy, baby foods for 3-6 weeks and then soft pured foods after 6 weeks. Yes I am a little hungry, but I cannot even think of eating some of the things your trying to get down..........we are given all juices, protein drinks, s/f jello,pudding,yogert, broths and strained cream soups. Although I would love the cottage cheese ( I think???) I am not sure it would sit well. Hope this helps and good luck, Robin
   — Robin G.

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