Why does this happen? What am I doing wrong?

I AM TOTALLY DISGUSTED WITH THIS WHOLE THING!!!! I had my surgery Oct. 26th. I was down 60lbs. but now OVERNIGHT!!! I gained 5lbs....5lbs?!?! How does this happen?!?! I am so totally upset...I didn't eat anything unusual yesterday..I just want to scream and cry! It isn't that time of the month either, so no bloating from that. I have been at this weight for the past I went UP 5lbs. Am I the only one this happens to? I don't understand.    — Lisa B. (posted on February 12, 2002)

February 11, 2002
Hi Lisa, Sorry you're so upset. Ihave no idea why exactly that happened. The only thing I can tell you is that the body is not a machine. There are all sorts of things that happen that we don't understand. You definitely did not put on 5 pounds of FAT! Impossible. You most likely are retaining some fluid even though it is not "that time of the month". After all, even men retain fluid. My best recommendation to you (and this is something I realized many years ago, way, way before WLS - DO NOT WEIGH YOURSELF DAILY!!! Believe it or not I do not weigh myself between doctor visits. As long as I know I am eating correctly and I'm feeling good - I really don't care what the scale says. You've lost a remarkable amount of weight (much more than I) in a very short period of time. BE HAPPY! The body fluctuates - you don't have to let it upset you - especially if you are unaware of it. Focus on the wonderful thing you've done for yourself and how well it's going. You'll see - it is and will continue to be great. Lots of luck - Nancy
   — Nancy Z.

February 11, 2002
Hi Lisa: I too got a little freaked out when last month the day before my cycle, my weight was up 9#...But I started my period and completed my regular 5 day cycle and to my surprise I lost the 9# and an extra 3.... I too thought that it was my little cravings that I get at that time of the month, but my body just happens to retain alot of water. Surprisingly enough, when on my cycle I crave liquids, so keep the water/ liquids going in and your protein and it will all even out or better...don't get sound normal to me...
   — Joi G.

February 11, 2002
What has happened with you is exactly why my surgeon asks his patients not to weigh between office visits. I weighed at 12 days post-op, 2 1/2 months post-op (Feb. 8) and will not weigh again until August 9 when I go back for my 8 1/2 month post-op visit. It is difficult to not weigh - we all want to know how we are doing - but I do believe that it is best that we just follow the eating plan and exercise and watch the sizes change. After all, this is really about better health first and then about size. Also, if you are exercising, muscle weighs heavier than fat. So you might be firming up, losing inches but the scales aren't moving. My advice to you is to continue eating the correct foods, drink plenty of liquids, exercise and throw away the scales. Weigh at your doctor's office or at support meetings. Once a month is plenty.
   — Patty_Butler

February 12, 2002
You want to cry...over 5lbs??? If you are doing all the right things...and it sounds like you are...then the 5lbs. is probably just some water build up or ,if you are working out, you are probably building up muscle. Muscle being heavier than can actually lose fat and inches while maintain your weight....or even gain a couple of pounds. You are not the only one who experiences happens to the best of us! Personally. I only weigh myself once a month (...first monday of every month). It's easier on the nerves that way! (lol).
   — [Anonymous]

April 29, 2002
When you're losing fat your body uses water to remove the biproducts of burning fat, If you lost a lot of fat your body may have used a lot of it's water stores and is now replacing some of its stored supply. When that water is replenished you will resume losing weight. Remember though your body never stops using calories so you are burning fat. So the faster you replenish the water the quicker your scale will show your loss. Also it is Important to keep your protien levels high so your body doesn't slow the rate of burning calories. The worst thing you could do is cut protien . So drink drink drink that water and keep burning the calories and your weight has nowhere to go but down. happy fat burning Mark p.s. With all of us pulling for you and praying for you there is no way you won't be a great success!!!
   — Mark L.

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