I am 14 days post open RNY. Please help?

I am 14 days post open Rny and I have lost 16lbs so far. Is this a good amount or should it be more? I have a problem with staying off my scale...LOL..I weigh myself about 4 times a day. My pre op weight was 265lbs and now I am 249lbs. I have been stuck at 249lbs for about 4 days. Is this normal? I do manage to walk around my house but can't exercise to much yet.    — Debbie S. (posted on April 10, 2002)

April 10, 2002
You are doing great!!! I am 6.5 months post op and I like you weigh ohhhhhh about 10 to 100 times a day (hehe). And I will go two weeks and not loose but maybe one or two pounds......and then BAM overnight I will loose 5 to 7 pounds. Sounds silly I know but it is true!!! So keep your chin up!!! You are doing great!!!
   — nkoehler88

April 10, 2002
You are doing great!!! Those little plateu's are normal, don't let them get you down. I was just like the previous post- I practically lived on my scale!! Keep up the good work- you ARE doing GREAT!!!
   — Cindy K.

April 10, 2002
You might as well learn to deal with the plateau issue now, because you will experience them for the next 18 months. Don't let them get you down. Your body is just trying to deal with the weight loss and has a natural defense to starvation. It will try to save as much fat as possible to keep you from "starving to death" and will eventually just give up and let you lose it. I am 1 year post-op to the date and have lost right at 100 lbs without any excercise. Don't get discouraged, you are doing just fine!
   — Julia V.

April 10, 2002
Relax!!! You are doing great...remember you just had major surgery do not force yourself into doing to much...just continue getting your water in and you will break this plateau and the many more to come..congratulations!!
   — tylerswife

April 10, 2002
Sounds like you are doing great. Dont worry so much about how fast the scale is moving just know that it is moving. We all lose differently. You will get to your goal someday. Remember it took a long time to gain the weight and it will take some time to lose it. Dont let the scale run your life. I know it will be hard but try to stay away from the scale as much as possible. It never moves as fast as we want it to.
   — Michelle Y.

April 10, 2002
You're right on target for weight loss. Most people loose about a pound a day in the first 2-3 weeks. I committed myself not to weigh except at the Dr's because I found my day was ruined if I hadn't lost enough lol. I am finding the loose clothing to be more of a motivator then the pounds down. I also committed to Thank GOD for whatever weight I was that day as it was always better then pre-op and I wish I had enjoyed my lower weights previously instead of beating myself up. Now the "old fat weights" are my new goal !! Gods Blessings
   — Brenda F.

April 11, 2002
debbie i wont repeat what everyone else replied with but i would like to make a suggestion to u. MEASURE URSELF! ALL OVER ur body, every 2 weeks, once a month...whenever u want to. keep a record of the measurements. u will be shocked at what u see. i have found that when the scale doesnt move the tape measure sure does & what a wonderful feeling it is! 4 months post op open rny...63 lbs & 56 inches GONE FOREVER. good luck hun, i think u r doing splendidly.
   — sheryl titone

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