Anywhere I can purchase no sugar added carnation instant breakfast???

My surgeon recommends 6 packs per day for 2 weeks preop and for several weeks post op. Does anyone know where I can purchase bulk quantities of chocolate/vanilla ????    — Dana D. (posted on May 6, 2002)

May 6, 2002
i am having a hard time finding it too. my sister had bought it in IL, but can't find it here in NY. Good luck.
   — candymom64

May 6, 2002
It is hard to find. However, I was able to find it at the local Shop Rite. If you have on in your area, check it out.
   — Sandra C.

May 6, 2002
I found it at both Wal-mart and K-mart. I tried it in the beginning and it made me queasy. I dump on sugar-free products though. And you don't get much protein in those. My doctor recommends them also.
   — Cheri M.

May 6, 2002
Even this is what your doc suggests... there are MUCH better products out there. Our docs are experts at cutting, not nutrition. Find a good protein shake that is zero carb and sugar free such as Zero Carb Isopure... much better for you, 50 grams of protein per serving, plus 50% of all your minimum vitamins and minerals...tastes great too.
   — SusanMaria

May 6, 2002
I get mine at any good supermarket (like Safeway or Giant). I've never seen it offered in bulk, though. CIB doesn't have a lot of protein, but it gives you 45% of vitamin C, 25% of calcium, iron and vitamin E, 35% of vitamin A, so I think that is why a lot of doctors recommend it. I've noticed my protein drink doesn't offer large amounts of those. I don't drink it everyday, only when I have a taste for chocolate (about once a week), but then I usually mix it with Designer's vanilla. When I want a special treat, I drop in 1/2 a banana.
   — Lisa N M.

May 6, 2002
I live on this stuff. I only do 1 a day though. I found it at H.G. Hills, Food Lion, and you can order it direct off the net at (I think that's the addy). If that's wrong just do a search for Carnation Instant Breakfast. I've put a bit of SF pudding powder in mine to make it thicker, I'd added SF Oreo type cookies, vanilla yoghurt (that wasn't the best :p), peanut butter. There's tons of ways to make it taste better. My 3 yr old son loves CIB. It usually costs about 4-5 dollars for a box of 8 packets. Pricey, and as they said not the best but it is tolerable for me :)
   — Renee V.

May 6, 2002
You can go to - they sell it on their website-
   — ~~Stacie~~

May 6, 2002
Kroger carries a kroger brand of this and it has 2 more grams of protein than the carnation kind. It is cheaper too.
   — Oldsoul

May 6, 2002
The Carnation website ( also offers a search option to find stores in your area that carry CIB. You can also ask your grocery store manager to order it or carry it for you. :) - Anna
   — Anna L.

May 6, 2002
   — Marty L.

May 6, 2002
Dana, I buy mine from Food Lion and since you are in NC and Food Lion is a NC based chain, you should not have any problem getting it.
   — Tammy D.

May 7, 2002
I found mine at the Giant Eagle. I'm from Ohio. You will like the CIB. It tastes like chocolate milk. To get more protein I add(with the approval of my dietician) a tablespoon of no sugar added lite peanut butter. Two of my favorites peanut butter and chocolate.
   — Jennifer F.

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