
Having ventral hernia repair and tt in a.m. Need feedback on hospital stay,out of recovery,how long of a procedure,pain mgt etc. thanks!!!!!    — christeen M. (posted on May 15, 2002)

May 15, 2002
I had TT and hernia repair the day after Thanksgiving. As far as the hospital stay goes, that will be up to your surgeon how long you will stay, but I got to go home the following day. I think the proceedure was a couple of hours and then the normal stay in recovery. I was given the morphine PAC pump, but only used it a couple of times. In fact, the nurses kept telling me that I wasn't using my pain medicine and wanted to know why. DUH!!! I wasn't having any pain. I went home with 2 drains in and had one removed at my one week check up along with half of the staples. The other drain and the rest of the staples came out the following week. The biggest thing for me was that I couldn't sleep in my bed for 3 weeks because I couldn't stand to be on my side and I am a side sleeper. First time I've ever used the recliner to sleep in, but I got used to it. Good luck with your surgery.
   — livnliter

May 15, 2002
I had a tt and hysterectomy on 3 April and I went back to work full time on 22 April. I was in the hospital for nine days which was due in part to my loosing a lot of blood and needing two transfusions. Please note that I was in a German hospital and both of my drains were taken out after three or four days. As far as pain meds I did not need them often and I came homw with out any type pain medication. Please listen to your body and don't try to rush it into healing. I am impatient and found that if I did too much (be it around the house or whatever) I would get swelling in my stomach area. Good luck and I know you are going to love your new tummy!
   — Teresa G.

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