Quenching my THIRST!!!

I've tried water,all crystal lites & teas, gatorades, powerades and flavored waters. But I can't find anything that just satisfies my thirst! I used to drink Mt Dew and that quenched my thirst, but so far nothing does. I've tried to drink flat diet sodas but i don't like them. ANY other suggestions????????    — Sunny4x4chick (posted on August 18, 2002)

August 18, 2002
I am in the same boat as you. I am one month out from open RNY surgery...and every single night I have these tantalizing dreams of a tall glass of Sprite Cola with Ice Cubes and I am guzzling it down. I miss it sooo bad. Nothing seems to get rid of my thirst either. I am ALWAYS thirsty!!!!!!!! I hope it gets better. I know that I shouldn't be this thirsty since I am drinking so much water and crystal light..but I am. I think part of it must be in my head...but it sure feels so real. Good Luck to the both of us huh?
   — Shawnie S.

August 18, 2002
I was the same way until I started getting in 80 oz. of liquid a day. I was a huge diet coke drinker pre-op and I still miss it. But it doesn't taste the same now and I know that I am not suppose to have it so that stops me. I drink Propel Wild Black Cherry, decaf iced tea and lemonade. Try getting inabout 80 oz. a day and I would bet it would help. Good Luck~ Candi
   — Candi B.

August 18, 2002
I am still Pre-op and I used to live for Diet Coke. I have given up all sodas now for about 2 weeks. I have been drinking water, water and more water. I don't seem to miss the Diet Coke as much as I thought I would. Sometimes drinks with artificial sweetners, such as crystal light, would make me MORE thristy. So, maybe that is the culprit thats making you so thristy. Funny though, Diet Coke never did that to me. I wish you the best.
   — Patricia C.

August 18, 2002
Although it should get much better after surgery, have you had your blood sugar checked? My great thirst pre op was from diabetes, type II ... I don't have the thirst anymore. Good luck..
   — Lisa C.

August 19, 2002
Sunny, I have been a real Coke drinker since I was about 10. I am pre-op, but trying to cut out the Coke now. The only other drink that works for me is Diet Cranberry Raspberry Snapple. It has 10 calories per serving, 20 per bottle. It tasts a lot better to me than all other diet drinks. I'd give it a shot. Good luck!
   — Amber L.

August 19, 2002
I to was a mountain dew lover, but since surgery i have not craved at all for it.. i found that cystal light strawberry tangerine has a bit of a "tang" to it. i had a really hard time finding a drink that would work. this is really tasty!
   — debbie S.

August 20, 2002
I really had a hard time drinking strictly water at first so I found Diet Lipton Lemon Iced has 0 calories, very, very little caffeine (Dr. said it was fine) they also sell it in bottles at most stores and in a helps break things up when I want to taste something different. I have noticed that I have grown more & more fond of water as time has gone by (I am 4 wks & 5 days post-op). I really don't like Cystal Light..just tastes way to sweet even if I water it down..I also like Sugar Free Cocoa mixed with protein & caffeine free tea with splenda & lactaid free milk..
   — Trish R.

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