Need some encouragement, help

Has anyone ever been afraid that they wouldnt lose weight after having this surgery? Im know im being paranoid, but i have been overweight all my life and i just cant seem to picture myself thin. Also, how long before I start to see results thanks    — Shannon S. (posted on September 26, 2002)

September 26, 2002
Shannon - from what I have read it is normal to think we won't loose weight after surgery. I know I have had those thoughts as well. We have been so unsuccessful for so long I think it is hard for us to really understand that we have done something wonderful for ourselves. After surgery - the rest is up to us - water and walking is what I am concentrating on. Good luck.
   — Diane T.

September 26, 2002
Shannon, check out my profile ! I was just thinking the same thing today. You just recently had surgery.The 17 th of this month , right ? Ok, take a deep breath, by about 3 weeks alot of the water weight will go down, and you will be amazed to find out that you have lost at least 10 lbs since surgery. Don't be discouraged. It will began to show in your clothing, and you'll be amazed at the way the weight begans to seemingly melt off. I also have been heavy all of my life. I 've even asked my Mom if I weighed 300 + lbs at birth, lol. If this surgery can work for me I know it will work 4 U !!!!!! Toodles
   — Sherry S.

September 26, 2002
I weighed 346 pounds when I had surgery almost 10 months ago. I have lost over 150 pounds in that 10 months and I still consider my self huge. For the first time in over 30 years, I weigh less than 200 pounds but I still can't picture myself anything other than morbidly obese. I am now wearing size 16 or 18 pants and x-large shirts. I know cognitively that I am smaller than I have been in many, many years but my mind doesn't really accept it yet. You will lose weight if you follow your doctor's orders. You can't help but lose. You may not get to be the perfect size but you will be much healthier and much nearer normal. Have faith - it does work.
   — Patty_Butler

September 26, 2002
hi there! deep down i too was afraid that i would be the one that this just didnt work for. well glad to say that was about 150 lbs ago! hehe, im glad i had this and have no regrets its saved me in many ways. i have a ways to go yet cuz i started at 370 but wow am i feeling small. best of luck to you!
   — carrie M.

September 26, 2002
I'm not reading the other responses, so please excuse me if I repeat... *smile* I think everyone feels that way and I think our spouses do too. You have to believe and my guess is (not sure how far along you are) that eventually you will. I'm down more than 70 pounds now in three months and I'm finally beginning to believe. You will go through many things with this surgery and the nagging and gnawing feelings that this is yet another type of diet you will fail are just some of them. You might, you must face the reality that its really up to you, especially the further out you get. But, this is the BEST tool out there right now and many people just like you and me have great success with this tool. Like all tools, you must pick them up, use them properly, and take care of them. Left alone in the tool box it doesn't help anyone. Good luck!
   — Lisa C.

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