I think I may be obsessing too much. Need some input

I am almost 6 months post op and have lost 65 pounds so far. I'm getting to the point where I am terrified that I am eating too much (but in reality I don't think I am eating enough) and that I will stretch my pouch and regain all of my weight. I know Im just being paranoid but I need some reassurance. The other night for dinner I had a stouffers pizza. There was two halves in the box, I had one half and that was it. I try not to drink while I am eating but once in a while I take a small sip. For lunch the other day I had a half of salad and a half of an apple. I always feel like I am eating too much. Can someone give me an example of what they eat and also how is it possible to gain weight or stretch the pouch.. Please help!! Thanks    — Shannon S. (posted on March 12, 2003)

March 12, 2003
At six months I could eat half a salad with some form of protein in it (chicken, tuna salad) I'm not sure about the stouffers pizza, I haven't tried it. I could eat at 6 months half of sandwich, a hot dog on the bun, small wendy's chili, 4-6 chicken nuggets, 7-10 shrimp. Of course not in one meal or one day. I think many people don't eat enough. I usually do 4-5 small meals a day, some meals people would call snacks (cheese, yoguart, etc). I only suppliment my protien if I'm not getting it in my meals. I hope this helps. Cheryl Lap RNY 9 mos -115lbs
   — Cheryl S.

March 12, 2003
I'm 5 months out, and have lost about 60 lbs, so I think that you are doing quite well. Sounds like you are eating ok, similar to what I try. When I eat pizza, I usually will pick at a salad first, then I can only eat a small slice of pissa. I think that we all tend to worry about gaining the weight back, after coming this far. Stick to healthy choices, and you will succeed. Be assured that all of us make a poor choice once in a while- no one is perfect ! Nancy Thompson
   — Nancy T.

March 12, 2003
Shannon, it does not sound like you are eating too much, however, I noticed that none of your choices for the two meals described had any protein in them. Protein should always be the main source of food for all your meals. Taking a sip with a meal is OK, its the drinking with or right after meals that is not good. If you go to my profile, I have a days menu towards the bottom. Its a few months further out than you, but should help. At 6 months post-op, I was eating similar to how I eat now at 13 months, its just that I can eat a little more now. Keep in mind that your pouch will stretch over time and it is supposed to. We start with a tiny pouch of just a few ounce (somewhere between 1 and 3 or 4 is the norm) and eventually the pouch stretchs to 6-8 ounces average, sometimes a little larger. Abnormal stretching of the pouch occurs if someone stuffs themselves consistently, non-stop. Weight gain is possible if you eat the wrong things-high fat, sugared items, white carbs, snack all the time. We can graze small amounts all day long if we let ourselves, and can also drink high calorie drinks all day too. Both of which will add weight. Its still a game of calories in = calories out. After a year or so, you end up stablilizing on 1200 or so calories. Its very easy to double that with high calories drinks and snacks.
   — Cindy R.

March 12, 2003
I think you are doing jsut fine. Like the previous poster said, try to make sure there is protein in each meal. Like when I have pizza, I eat only 1/2 the crust, all the cheese (good protein) and will get a topping like pepperoni. I don't eat that all the time, but for occassion I will, and jsut make sure it is protein-full as well. And if I have salad I will add chicken or egg for protein, since we can fill up fast, I don't want it all to be lettuce. At 9 months out, I usually eat about 3oz per meal. I think that is still pretty small, but I eat more often. Your pouch does stretch naturally and can stretch if you overeat at every meal. Just make sure to measure your food, that always helps me! I can usually eat 1/4 of a 6-inch sub (w/o aaall the bread and meat they use though), um about 4 small grilled chicken strips that I make (usually 2oz), a 2oz hamburger w/ slice of cheese with some veggies and 1/2 slice of bread, 2 or 3 oz of fish with a tiny bit of potatoes, etc. I pretty much measure everything still at this point. Do you count your calories? You probably aren't eating as much as you think you are! Right now, I eat about 1200 calories a day, but I work out 5 days a week, so I am constantly hungry! Good weight loss- goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

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