to lose 170 lbs when your start wieght is 300?

i am 5'4 about 280 or so is it possible to lost 170 lbs? my dr wants to see me at 130 for my goal wieght that seems a little extreme to me i can't even concive the idea of being 130 much less losing 170 i know that people that wiegh more then i do lose that much but can someone my size lose that much? my surgery date is june 9th right around the corner and i am kinda getting scared really scared i am having nightmares that i will go thew all of this and it's not gonna work for me is there anyone out there that it didn't work for them?? maybe i am making too much of it but this is how i am feeling right or wrong and i guess i just need a little bit of support thanks for your time    — jolie S. (posted on May 29, 2003)

May 28, 2003
Hi Jolie - It is totally possible for you to lose 170 lbs. But even if you lose 150 or 130, you will be healthier than you are now. The main thing to remember is that this surgery, while not the easy way out, is not like just another diet! As long as you follow your doctor's orders and do everything he/she tells you, drink 64+ oz water everyday, exercise and reach out for support everyday, you will not fail. Remember, you didn't fail at dieting up to this point - diets failed you! They fail all of us. And we all take this to be our failure and expect to fail, but this is just not true. I understand your fears because I struggle with them too, but in 11 weeks, i've lost 42 lbs and I haven't lost this much weight in such a short period of time, ever! You will succeed. Follow your doctor's orders, and trust me, with a 2 oz pouch, you won't have much choice. You will do fine. Take a deep breath and let it out . . . now anytime these fears overpower you, do it again and remember, you are not a failure. Take care and many blessings to you. Robin
   — rebalspirit

May 28, 2003
I am 5' 1" and started out at 328. I had surgery Sept 14th, 2001. I have lost a total 168 to this point, but never thought I would even get this far. I DO NOT expect to get to my "ideal weight" which is probably about 125. No way, I would really not look healthy, to some who are used to seeing, and know me anyway. I am happy right where I am at, and healthy. Do not worry about reaching your docs goal. I think some say that for there benifit. I think age has a lot to do with how much we lose too, and how much dieting we have done in the past. Good luck to you...
   — Marie A.

May 28, 2003
Jolie, I believe you will know what if the right final weight for you. I started at 442 and if I am to get to some weight on an insurance chart I would ideally be 165 lbs - a loss of 277 lbs. I, like you, do not see myself at some number on an insurance chart, which is where your surgeon is coming up with his number. It's based on height and bone structure. My first and main goal is anywhere under 250 lbs. I picked this number because I have been down to 240 before and I know how I felt and how much I was able to do. I could definitely live at that weight the rest of my life even though I would still be considered obese, so be it. I think the least I want to weigh is 200 lbs, which would put me in a size 12-14-16, which would be fine with me. I'm not shooting for tiny sizes. Heck I weighed 197 lbs in 7th grade, but always carried it well so no one would have guessed. Time will tell where I stop. I'm down to 340 already, so I know that 250 is totally attainable. <p>I would not worry about the 130 lbs your surgeon wants. Just work the program to the max and your body will help you decide. The goal is to get healthy not skinny. Healthy and skinny are two TOTALLY different numbers. Just enjoy your new healthy life and your evolving body! You will do great!!! Chris
   — zoedogcbr

May 28, 2003
Everyone has to pick a goal weight that is right for them. I am also 5'4" and started at 280. I am 17 months post op (on 6/2) and I'm down to 130. I think it is too low. I hit my personal goal of 140 at 10 months post-op. I had my TT on 5/2 and despite massive swelling, I am wearing a size six. My PS thinks it will be a 4 when the swelling is down. I think I've lost too much. As soon as I'm cleared to do something besides walking, I will trying to build back 5-10 pounds in muscle. I would have been very happy at 140-150 and I was wearing a size 8-10 then. Relax and know that as long as you follow the guidelines your doc gives you, there shouldn't be any reason you can't meet whatever realistic goals you set for yourself. Good luck.
   — Tina P.

May 29, 2003
I remember when Iwas pre op worrying that this surgery would not work for me either. After being MO for so long, I truly thought that my surgeon's goal weight was laughable. I started at 299 and said things to myself like "at 4 months post op I would like to be down __#s" and when I met that I set a new goal for myself. I am now 11 months post op and weigh 174-only 4 pounds from my surgeon's goal weight! Now that I can see that is achievable, I am setting my personal goal to be 160. There is also something to be said for rmemebering that there is more to consider than just your weight. How do you feel? How are your stats (BP, cholesterol, etc..?), What size do you wear? Etc... Eventually, the pounds will become only a part of the whole picture. Try setting smaller goals as you journey down this road....I think that you will pleasantly surprised at what you achieve! Best wishes in your process-best of luck on your surgery on June 9th!!
   — Heather N.

May 29, 2003
Jolie, it is very possible to get to 130 pounds, but the question is do you want to? Surgeons usually go by what the insurance charts say a 5'4" person should weigh but honestly sometimes they are not realistic and do not take into account our ages, or body density (small boned or big boned) etc. At 5'3" my surgeon suggested 130 too and I laughed! I have no desire to be a size 6 and try to MAINTAIN that size. I told him that a size 8-10 is all I could envision and that 140-150 would be about right. Well, I am now a size 10 and 152 and very happy and able to maintain that weight while including treats and snacks, which I probably would have to cut out if I wanted to lose and maintain another 15 pounds less.
   — Cindy R.

May 29, 2003
Congratulations on your surgery date! I believe this surgery does work if you follow your Dr.'s orders. I'm 5'6 and I started out at 280 and in 11 weeks I've lost 64 pounds. I follow my Dr.'s orders by not eat things that I shouldn't (I don't eat any bread type carbohydrates, my own personal choice) and I exercise 6 times a week. I decided I wanted to work out to help make the weight come off faster. You will be given a tool and it's up to you on how you want to use it. Best Wishes,
   — Heather S.

May 29, 2003
Hi, I can totally relate to what you are saying.I am 5'4'and weigh between 301 and 308 and I cannot imagine myself weighing 130 lbs. I am also preop but I have set my goal weight at about 150, I think I would look sick any smaller than that.Have you ever used my virtual model? Its a program where you can put in your height and weight and create a model that way you can get an idea of what you would look like at different weights.Good Luck and Congrats on your surgery date. Lisa F.
   — Lisa F.

May 29, 2003
Boy you're doc wants you skinny minny, huh!? :-) It's definately possible. My personal opinion? set a different goal for yourself. There is nothing wrong with setting a goal like 130, just saying that incase it cannot happen, you don't want to be dissappointed. I think 150 would be perfect for yur height, too. That is 150lbs. to lose and definately within reach! I'm 5'2" and originally set a goal for 140, then I changed it to 130, and now within a year I am 125 and still losing. (125# loss total so far) I think we all felt at one time or another that it "won't work on me" It's natural to feel this way, afterall we've failed many other attempts. Look at this like a second chance, it's not a miracle- it's a tool. Goodluck to you! :-)
   — Lezlie Y.

May 29, 2003
I too am around 300lbs. Not positive on my actual weight (long story read my profile). Anyway I am 5'7'' and am wondering about something. I know a lot of people see/hear about their "Ideal" body weight. And many people go below that. I know that I will be really surprised seeing myself at 150 none the less 130. A size 10 to me is itty bitty considering my 28-32 I'm in now. I'm wondering if losing too much weight (or more than we would have liked to) is having a different kind of effect on people. I know I would be happy in a size 12-14. I would be confortable at 160, but at 130 I might be too thin and unhappy. How are you handling it?
   — Sandi R.

May 30, 2003
Hi!!! i definitely think that its possible to lose 170lbs. i started out at 409lbs and i have lost 183lbs in 1 year and 1 month. i think its great your doctor has set a goal weight for you but I would set my own personal goal. as long as you are in the "normal" category i would be satisfied. i am 5'11 and i currently weigh 226lbs and i am constantly being told to not lose any weight but my goal is 185lbs. good luck in your journey
   — tameaka S.

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