Werid question coming up I am all most 6 months post op down 80 pounds

I have a good amount of extra skin hanging apron and I have to roll it up and hold my stomach tight to be able to go to the bathroom I am waiting to see uroligist it seems like everthing is so loose my bladder can't tighten on its own I warned you werid question    — kathy B. (posted on June 12, 2003)

June 12, 2003
Sorry...what's the question?
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 12, 2003
Your bladder may need to be tacked up, it could have fallen from all the excess weight. and to, I think you are refering to not being able to hold your urine? Have you tried keegle excerises? this are the muscles in your vagina that are use to tighten the area you can do these excerices by tightening up down there like your trying to hold your urine, or your squeezing your rear like you have the runs. Do this and hold it and release hold to the count of 10 and do it several times. Sorry if I didnt understand the question right its what I thought you may have ment. Good luck :0)
   — wizz46

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