HELP, I've gained 50 pounds!!!

Okay, I need a swift kick upside the head!! I went to the GYN recently and got the whole lecture on how I had been gaining weight. However, he didn't know the whole picture as to what I had really gained. I almost died when I stepped on his scale and had gained 50 pounds ... FIFTY!! I took my children to the doctor and the nurse there has been following my progress. I told her I had gained 50 pounds in a year. She informed me "people don't gain 50 pounds in a year". HELLO, apparently they do. I was at 235 when I went in for a tummy tuck a year ago May. When I got on the scale at the GYN, I was at 285. I am freaking! I have really been trying to watch my snacking (I know that is my biggest problem) and carb intake for the last three weeks. I have managed to lose about 7 pounds (I also had a breast reduction in that time so that is part of the loss.) The thought of a revision frightens me. It is all I can do to get in one or two protein shakes a day. The thought of having to be attached to five or more a day to keep from malnutrition ... I don't know. Yes, I know I need to exercise ... it is hard with a hip that needs to be replaced. What frightens me the most is if I can put on 50 pounds in a year WITH the malabsorbtion ... now what? Is it possible my stoma is wide open? Could my Celexa have something to do with the gain? I am trying to remember when I chanced from Wellbutrin to Celexa. I am thinking it was right before my tummy tuck ... which was when I started gaining. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you!    — Lindsey G. (posted on September 3, 2003)

September 3, 2003
Go back to the pouch rules and follow them religiously. ONLY protein, veggies, a little fruit if it doesn't kick off cravings. Do the water loading. If you HAVE to have a snack, make it a protein shake, no milk. There was a story on the original pouch rules of someone who had gained all their weight back, but when returning to the rules, lost it all again. Here's the link... read and follow :) Good luck!!
   — mom2jtx3

September 3, 2003
Hi Lindsey: You're not alone. I agained 41 pounds in a year starting from about a year post op until just over the second year. It was only a 2 to 4 pound gain each month, so it was easy to do. It can really add up fast though. I've gotten serious and have taken 16 pounds back off, but it wasn't easy. You can get yours back off too if you really try, but don't do what I did at first and try some days and not others because that didn't work. I had to really dig my heals in and do it. It's unfortunate that you can't do exercise because of you hip, but if you really lower your calories, that alone will do it. I won't fool you, it won't be fun, but it's worth it. I'll be thinking of you and hope we both get rid of our regain. Best wishes, Sherry
   — sherry hedgecock

September 3, 2003
Lindsey, listen to Linda... and grab hold of yourself and control yourself!! You are the one who puts food in your mouth... you know what to eat and what not to and what is too much. Back off and start over... The Celexa might be making you hungry, but your head controls your hunger if you get your carbs out of your system!! Go back to clear liquids for three days then go through the stages every three days (I've a list of stages on my second profile) and get yourself back on track!! Don't blow this!! You CAN lose that weight again and keep it off!! Don't give up!! You CAN do it!!! Hugs
   — Sharon m. B.

September 3, 2003
I know I started gaining when I was put on Celexa. I had been on Meridia and changed to Celexa. It was head hunger that had me devouring carbs. I think you can work at overcoming it but I would also talk to the doctor that prescribed the Celexa and see if something else would be more beneficial. Good luck.
   — ssundlee

September 3, 2003
Lindsay - I am sorry you are having difficulties. Does your surgeon continue care with you this far post? Are there support groups you can attend? For exercise, are you able to swim? The good thing about the surgery is that we have this tool for life - reread the rules of the pouch and hopefully this will work out for you. I did quickly review your profile - do you need counseling to help with the reasons for why you eat what you do? I wish you the best.
   — Yolanda J.

September 3, 2003
Dear Lindsley, Oh, I can imagine the frustration you are feeling! Blessings as you work out this step in your life. I hope I am not being insensitive; If I may ask, what kind of RNY did you have, proximal or distal? Do you know how many inches of small intestine the surgeon left in use?
   — sissie S.

September 3, 2003
Before you start blaming yourself too much, I think you should get things checked out to mske sure there is no mechanical failure. You could have a staple line disruption, a stretched stoma or pouch... any of those things can cause weight gain. It may be the food and meds, but you need to make sure. Get scoped and find out. Good luck and let us know! hugs, Ann rny 9/10/99 260/124
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 3, 2003
Lindsay, wasn't there a point somewhere during the 50 pound gain when clothes at 50 pounds lighter stopped fitting? I find it hard to understand how you can gain 50 and not know its happening. It is scary that if we don't watch it, the weight can come piling back on, isn't it? Ok, so first things first, you have to make up your mind to get rid of the excess 50, and since you took the first step and asked us, I can assume that your determined to do so. No secrets here-back to the basic pouch rules, small frequent meals, protein based foods, no drinking with or right after meals, and get rid of the junk food. And EXERCISE is so important, can you do something with your hip, like swimming perhaps? I know all this sounds like alot, perhaps overwhelming, but you can do it. Try tackling a small bite at a time, first get rid of the junk food, and when you have conquered that, try 5 minutes a day of exercise, then build on that, until your up to 30 minutes a day. Add a protein shake or two a day and watch the calories. And weigh yourself daily. I'm 18 mo post-op and pretty much thru losing. I bounce back and forth now with 2 pounds but weigh daily and if I go over that 2 pounds, its cutting down on snacks (which I hate to do!)or increasing the exercise (which I also hate to do) until the 2 pounds are gone. I cant relax because if I do, I remember how easy it was to gain 10-20 or more before you knew it. You can do this...
   — Cindy R.

September 3, 2003
hi hon, im not gonna lecture you because i cant stand getting lectured myself...however, i will tell you that if i were in your situation, first i would have my tummy checked to make sure there isnt any problems with it, then i would follow the pouch rules, also although we are told not to weigh ourselves every day I DO, well I weigh about every other day to every day if that scale goes up to even a 3 pnds gain i jump right back on track because i came too far and worked to hard to get to where i am today to give that all up and yes the weight can creep up on you this is why i weigh myself often is to keep track of my weight so i dont have to go through what you are going through today i wish you much success in losing again i know you can do it so good luck to you ok deanna..
   — Deanna Wise

September 3, 2003
Hi, are you transected? If not it could be SLD and the only thing you can do is get it fixed. I did and would do it again if I had to. Once transected, sld is not a problem but fistulas could be. ....always something. good luck to you!
   — Mylou52

September 3, 2003
Hi, are you transected? If not it could be SLD and the only thing you can do is get it fixed. I did and would do it again if I had to. Once transected, sld is not a problem but fistulas could be. ....always something. good luck to you!
   — Mylou52

September 3, 2003
I would check w/ doctor about a staple line disruption and ask him what exercises you can do with a bad hip. I am only 2 months post-op and I don't lose w/o exercising.
   — mrsmyranow

September 3, 2003
Everybody has had great ideas. One other idea would be to track your food on It really can be an eye opener and will help you make better choices once you see what you are actually doing, assuming there is nothing mechanically wrong with your pouch or plumbing. <p>I've been on Celexa for about 4 years and it did not cause me to gain nor slow down my loss. However, I vaguely remember a person or two in the past indicating that Celexa did cause weight gain. Or it might be that the Wellbutrin was curbing your appetite and then you went back to normal on the Celexa. Can you go back on the Wellbutrin? I know the two can be taken together because I added Wellbutrin for a while last year to try and help with weight. So maybe if you are doing good on the Celexa mental health wise you could take the Wellbutrin to curb the appetite some. I also used to be on Wellbutrin for depression and for me the Celexa controls it so much better, but every one is different. <p>This is a difficult time for you and it will take all the strength you have to get back on the protein wagon and kickstart the weight loss but you can do it. Like some others said, swimming may be your best bet. That and weight training as it bumps the metabolism and makes the body more efficient as a fuel burner. Even slow walking on a treadmill is better than no walking. How about an exercise bike? The stress on the hip would be a lot less than in a weight bearing situation. I hope you are able to find some form of exercise. Maybe to make this work long term for you, you need to go ahead and get the hip replaced so you can get on with your new healthy life. I am seeing a neurosurgeon next Monday to determine if it's time for back surgery for the same reasons. I do not want that pain and numbness to prevent me from enjoying my body that can do so much more. Check everything out with the WL surgeon and then proceed accordingly. Good Luck!
   — zoedogcbr

September 5, 2003
Everyone I know in my area who had WLS gained ALL, MOST, or MORE of their weight back. NO ONE KEPT WEIGHT OFF AFTER WLS. This is why I cringe everytime someone on this site says XXX amount of pounds gone forever. It is NOT gone forever. I would be nice if it was true but it is'nt. Personaly I weigh every day. Sometimes I forget but not often. I gained 5 pounds after going on an ice cream binge. Let me tell you, I watch my weight and get right on it! I don't want to be like everyone in my area who NEVER, NOT ONE of them successful. I can't get to goal, but I don't want to gain any weight back! I don't see how you could gain 50 lbs and not know it ether. I would'nt be surprised though if the scales at GYN might be off, hoping you will buy some of their suppliments (if they sell them). I thought you were talking about GNC, so I'm not sure what GYN is. In any case, 50 lbs and not know it??? Hmmmm. When I put 5-10 pounds of water weight on (as I don't usually remember my water pills I desparatly need) I certainly feel my jeans cutting of my circulation. ;)
   — Danmark

September 6, 2003
**giggle** Dan...GYN=gynecologist.
   — Kelly B.

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