$17,500.00 for tummy tuck and brest lift with implants was the quote I was given

Is this the going rate in the Bay Area Ca? Any one know someone who does good work and is reasonable I am willing to travel    — kathy B. (posted on October 14, 2003)

October 14, 2003
I'm way on the other side of the states in semi-rural North Carolina. I am having mastopexy on November 19th and have a quote for $3,800for that portion. My brachioplasty is $2,200. Haven't gotten as far as pricing on the tummy tuck. These are surgeon costs only. These procedures will be done with an abdominal hysterectomy which is covered by my insurance so part of the operating room and 2 days of the hospital stay and anesthisiology will be covered. I'm sure that would substantially change the pricing. On the American Plastic Surgeons Association webpage, there is a page that tells you national averages for plastic surgery costs from 2001. You might want to look at that to compare your quote. Good luck!
   — Tparker

October 14, 2003
Is this all inclusive (surgeon, surgery room and anesthesiologist) or just the surgeon's charge? If just the surgeon's charge, it seems very expensive. My tt was $4200 for the surgeon's charge. If all inclusive, I would say that's probably about right.
   — Patty H.

October 15, 2003
If you are willing to go out of the country, Costa Rica is the plastics capitol of the world. It is where all of the stars go. The surgeons are US traned and charge anywhere from 1/3rd to 1/2 the price in the US. The CR prices include surgery, after-care and accomodations. Best wishes -
   — M B.

October 15, 2003
that is about what I paid for the same. Dr Stompro in Blackhawk. - he is the best!!! I am super happy with his work.
   — sara J.

October 15, 2003
Kathy, if that is California pricing, I'm sure you can find a good plastic surgeon in a cheaper location somewhere in the US. Go to the yahoo OSSG groups, there is one for plastic surgery. They will have lots of advice for you...
   — Cindy R.

October 15, 2003
Dr. Gongora at the Genesis Clinic is just over the border from San Diego. Awesome surgeon, good prices, super clean facility. You can go to and get an idea of costs. Keep in mind that when he combines surgeries he cuts you a price break too.
   — Shelly S.

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