Is it possible for me to reach my ultimate weight loss goal by 6 mos?

I had open RNY on 10/21/03. I am 11 weeks and one day out and have lost 65 lbs. I started at 295 and my goal weight is 150. Is it possible for me to reach this goal by 6 months out? Has anyone else with approximateley the same starting weight do this?    — Karen K. (posted on January 7, 2004)

January 6, 2004
YOUR DOING AWESOME CONGRATS! I got to goal in 6 months, a record according to my surgeon. See my profile get PLENTY of exercise. I helped gut a friends fire damaged house:( Shovel debris for 4 or 5 hours a nite and the pounds disappear.
   — bob-haller

January 6, 2004
In my opinion you are setting yourself up for disappointment. It is possible to lose 145 lbs in 6 months as I lost 150 but I have 242 total to lose. You are almost to 3 months PO and have lost 65. You will not likely lost another 80 in 13 weeks as the closer you get to goal the more the weight loss slows down. I'm at 11 months PO and down 212 lbs. The last 3 months it's dropped from typically 20 lbs a month to 17, then 14, then 10, which is still quite a bit since I am only 30 lbs from goal. But you need to slide into the maintenance process if you are going to be able to maintain this. To go from fast losing to maintenance with no transition will be very difficult and your weight will likley float up and down, scaring and disappointing you. Keep working hard but remember whatever you establish as a routine for exercise now to get the weight off fast is what you will have to do the rest of your life and maybe even more once you try to maintain. Balance is the key to long term success with weight control.
   — zoedogcbr

January 7, 2004
Anything is possible, but whats the rush?? You've got a great head start and a good 18 month window in which to do it. Just stick to the pouch rules, healthy eating, mostly protein, get in your exercise, lots of water and don't forget the vitamins! And forget about asking others with the same starting weight...we all lose differently and comparing yourself to others can only lead to disappointment. Enjoy the ride!
   — Cindy R.

January 7, 2004
I get up @ 4 AM to workout before having to be at work @ 6 AM - I do 2 miles on my eliptical walker, multiple sets of various arm and leg exercises on my body row, then some ab work. At lunch, I walk for 30 minutes - about 1.6 miles. I have started back on protein shakes now that I found a combination of things I can stand. I have one for breakfast and one in the evening. I concentrate on protein for lunch and dinner and fresh veggies for snacks. Water is more difficult. I only get about 6 cups/day. I am trying to up that.
   — Karen K.

January 7, 2004
I started out at about your weight (I was 304) and I am now 148 at 11 months out. I lost about 115 by 6 months. Although I lose weight every month, it slowed down a lot the second 6 months (and that's a good thing). I don't exercise much at all (bad me!) My goal was 150 also, but as I am below that now, 135 seems more reasonable for my height (5'4). Don't get caught up in timetables. Your body is going to do what it wants to do.. slowly or quickly. Good luck!
   — SarahC

January 7, 2004
I started at 265 on 10/03/01 at 6 months I had lost 90lbs. It took me a year to hit 150. You are losing pretty quickly now, but it will slow down drastically in a month or so. You will hit goal, but don't set such a high goal of doing it in 6 months. That is reserved for the EXTREMELY rare and lucky ones.
   — RebeccaP

January 7, 2004
Hi Karen, I started out at 290 pounds and I am 5'6. My goal is also 150 pounds. I am almost 9 months post op and have lost 120 pounds. I reached 100 by 6.5 months. I expect to reach my ultimate goal by by 1 year anniversary. I also excercise, and eat right! I really would say the possibility is slim, but never say never right? God Bless & Good luck to you!
   — EHarding

January 7, 2004
I started at 339 and had lost 60 lbs at 3 months out. I am now 6 months out and have lost 91 lbs. I am complete 100% average (a little on the high side of loss). I am now losing -10 a month, which is perfectly normal. Average loss at 6 mos is 55-100 lbs. A good 75% of people in my group are 120 pounds down at 9 months out so I judge by them as normal. I had my 6 mos checkup yesterday and the they were impressed at my 91 pounds down. I lost 25 pounds the first month, 15, second, 20 the 3rd and then 10 lbs a month since then. The Dr. pointed out that now that I am smaller, I should exercise for longer to keep my loss at -10 a month. If I do that, I will reach goal in another 10 months, 2 months before I thought I would. Sorry I am rambling, but the averages are there. It takes about 7 months to lose 100 lbs for most people. I would choose that as a goal.
   — mrsmyranow

January 7, 2004
Okay...blast away if you will, but I'm about to same something many are thinking but won't put in writing. WHAT THE HECK IS THE RUSH? Did you go thru surgery thinking it would be over & done & perfect within 6 months? Didn't you research things beforehand? Is there some HEALTH deadline at 6 months that if you're not at goal you'll suffer drastically? Remember..this surgery is supposed to be for HEALTH reasons FIRST. The physical benefits just make it that much more worthwhile. Making it to goal in 6 months is a possibility, but I hope that if you don't make it that you consider yourself a failure. I hope for your sake that you are utilizing a support system Good luck!
   — Diane S.

January 7, 2004
OK, I am not in a rush. I simply wanted to know if others with approximately the same amount to lose had reached their goal in 6 months. And, unlike the wish of the last poster, I WILL NOT consider myself a failure if I do not reach my goal weight @ 6 months. I am very proud of my 65 lb weight loss, even if I never lost another oz - I have never lost this much weight before in my life.
   — Karen K.

January 8, 2004
Congrats on your weight loss so far! I do think it's a bit unrealistic to expect to lose 145 lbs in six months, though I'm sure it's probably been done. I aimed for 100 lbs in 6 months, and just made it at 101.5. I had lost 63.5 at the three month mark and 150 at my 11th month anniversary. I also started heavier than you though, so it's possible you'll slow down earlier than I did. You'll get there, don't worry!
   — sandsonik

January 8, 2004
Karen, I had my surgery in June, 2002, my starting weight was 322 and my goal is 140, It has been almost 19 mos for me and I'm 40 lbs til I reach my goal. I think all of us are different when it comes to weight loss. I didn't expect to reach my goal in 6 months, but I think there have been others who have been able too. Hanf in there, anything is possible. Deb
   — Deb S.

January 8, 2004
karen i am 8 months out and have lost 128 lbs so far and gone from a 32W to a 16 . SO i dont think it is that unrealistic to loose 145lbs in six or even 9 months. I know people who have done it. Although you donot need to excerised to loose the weight. I do walk 3x-4x a week and go to the gym 3x a week for the Bikes , stairmaster, leg stuff. I still dont get hungry just remember to eat every 2 hours or so and very PROTEIN cons. I really try to eat HIGH PROTEIN Foods/Meals. Good Luck Lisa S.
   — lukimom

January 13, 2004
I lost 125 pounds in 9 months. You'll be surprised how much your weight loss will slow in the next couple of weeks. I doubt that you can lose all your weight in 6 months.
   — Patty H.

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