Is it any doctor that will accept medicare for a revision surgery in any state ?

Willing to travel.    — Antoinette P. (posted on March 16, 2004)

March 16, 2004
Yes, Dr. Keshishian in delano california is a medicare provider. He has a 3K program fee for revisions and 2K for first timers. He is an excellent and experienced revsion surgeon. I used him a little over a year ago and am down 130 lbs. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]. dr. K's web sire is .
   — Melanie L.

March 16, 2004
Antoinette, Some doctors do take Medicare, like Dr Keshishian and Dr. Zahirya in Delano, CA. However, they usually charge a large sum of money over and above what Medicare will pay. As for Dr. K and Z, they charge $3,000. Most of the other docs I've checked out who are very experienced in revisions, do NOT take Medicare or any other insurance but work only on a cash basis. The hospital will bill medicare, but you must pay the surgeon's fees yourself at least for Dr. Rabkin, Dr. Hess, & Dr. Husted. You may want to check out Dr. McConnell at OHSU in Portland, OR. I don't know the web site but I'm sure you could find it doing a search. I don't know a lot about the program there, but he does do revisions and he does take Medicare. I am also looking into a revision, and if I had the money, I would go to Dr. Keshishian.
   — Laurie E.

March 16, 2004
I'm not sure where you are located, But I know the surgeon that did my surgery does revisions and accepted my medicare.. might be worth checking into.. Dr. Kolenich in Greenville PA.
   — Kalli R.

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