I'm three weeks post-op from breast implants and lift on one side

my questions is my nipples are way down at the bottom and the breast look droopy I thought they would be paerky doctor says when the implant drops in place the breast will rise and the nipples will come up to a normal spot any one experiance this does it sound right    — kathy B. (posted on May 29, 2004)

May 29, 2004
I had a lift and mine was the opposite. In the first 8 months they were really high. My PS said gravity will bring them down and they did to the perfect level.
   — ZZ S.

May 29, 2004
Yes..the implants will fall lower down on the breast, increasing the amount of skin from the nipple to the fold (where breast meets chest wall) This "raises" the nipples and results in less fullness at the top of the breasts.
   — DrL

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