Can we resume a liquid diet to lose extra pounds?

I have heard of some people going on a liquid diet to lose some extra pounds, but also have heard it is not a good idea. What is the negative? The positive?    — peppermintp (posted on August 10, 2004)

August 10, 2004
Are you post op or pre-op? I am sure a liquid diet you would get rid of the pounds. The issue is when you start eating again, they tend to come back on when using a liquid diet. I would suggest you keep a food diary to see what you are eating and if you are drinking enough water. You may be able to shed some pounds by examining the food diary. Look at uping your protein intake and decreasing your carbs. I am 11 months post op and keep a food diary and from time to time have to re-tweek my eating and what I eat, by doing this it keeps the weight coming off. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 11, 2004
I would'nt. Pre Op I did lots of fasting and some liquid diets. You know what? It slowed my metabolism so bad that just a few calories put on weight. So the only option I had left was WLS. There is no way I'd limit my calories like that again. I'm a 3 year plus post op that never could lose that last 35 pounds. But I had nothing else but WLS that I could try. Should I be stupid (for me that is) and go on those extreme diets again, what else is left if I ruin the WLS? Just my opinion.
   — Danmark

August 11, 2004
I would'nt. Pre Op I did lots of fasting and some liquid diets. You know what? It slowed my metabolism so bad that just a few calories put on weight. So the only option I had left was WLS. There is no way I'd limit my calories like that again. I'm a 3 year plus post op that never could lose that last 35 pounds. But I had nothing else but WLS that I could try. Should I be stupid (for me that is) and go on those extreme diets again, what else is left if I ruin the WLS? Just my opinion.
   — Danmark

August 11, 2004
I wouldn't. You need a variety of nutrients in your diet that you get from meats, fruits, veggies and grains. Push the proteins, water and exercise.
   — ChristineB

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