How much improvement can you expect from abdominoplasty?

I am getting ready for a hernia repair/abdominoplasty and lower body lift in the future. I know I have a ventral hernia but I'm not sure if that is what is making my upper abdomen look like I'm about nine months pregnant(the incisional hernias bulge out in addition to the rounded upper belly).Everyone asks if I'm pregnant but the roundness doesn't start until above my waistline.Is this just weak abdominal muscles with the hernia? Can I expect not to look pregnant after the plastic surgery?    — Dana D. (posted on October 29, 2004)

October 29, 2004
My initial reaction is that you should expect dramatic improvment, or else why bother? But, my advice would be to have a LONG toal with your PS about what type of improvment to expect. Since no one here knows what he'll do, he's the only one who can tell you for sure. I know the upper abd. area is a cause for concern for many, including some who have had a TT and didn't get the results they wanted. So- best to talk it out with the surgeon and tell him what you want. Good luck to you!!

October 29, 2004
I was most concerned about my upper abdomen, moreso than my rather small, by comparison with others, pannus! I had a 13 cm by 3 cm diastasis recti - separation of the upper abdominal muscles along the midline, most likely due to carrying big babies. Whenever I sat up, I had a huge bulge from the bottom of my sternum to my belly button. No amount of crunches or using an abdominal weight machine did any good. Consequently, with weak upper and lower abdominal muscles, plus to pull on my lower back from the pannus, I had nearly constant back pain. After surgery, my abdomen is flat from below my breasts to my pubis. No more bulge, no more spare tire. NO more back pain! I have only the hip to hip incision, and was kind of skeptical when my plastic surgeon said this was all she would need to do. It's nothing short of magic, if you ask me. Be sure you and your surgeon are on the same page as far as results you expect. I had a lot of anxiety about what the outcome would be; it's harder with any plastic or reconstructive surgery, because you have to be somewhat patient about seeing the total result.
   — koogy

October 29, 2004
Yes, you will look very nice and smooth, it will be two years for me come this Christmas. I didn't have a hernia, just a tummy tuck, but since you are talking about the upper abdomen, I have been experiencing upper bulging in the upper abdomen, and proably need it to be removed/repaired, can you give me some insites on hernia conditions, what does it feel like, look like or what ever?
   — johnlette H.

October 29, 2004
I am 5 days postop hernia/tt repair. I looked the same way that you described. I had a hernia that went from my breast bone to below my belly button. I now look somewhat normal, even though I am still swollen from the surgery. The Dr. took off 12 pounds. It is not a comfortable surgery by no means and will take some getting use to the new look. I don't however look like I have a football under by shirt anymore, thats a big plus. Good Luck
   — beachdog

October 29, 2004
I can say with total sincerity, I had a LBL , muscles tightened etc 7 weeks ago, hernia repaired a year ago,and MY belly is flat as a pancake and pretty hot and tempting if I do say so myself, LOL
   — **willow**

November 3, 2004
The removed 5 pounds of skin with my abdominoplasty and tightened up all of the muscles so my stomach is as flat as can be!!
   — Patty H.

November 7, 2004
I saw a great improvement once I had by abdominoplasty. I LOVE it. I do still have a bit of a bulge at the top of my stomach...especially right after I eat, but it's nothing compared to how much better I feel fitting into clothes that fit my legs, hips, and abdomen the same. I was wearing such larger pants to fit around my excess skin than what I should of been wearing for my legs. I always looked so dumpy with clothes being tight on my abdomen and baggy on my tushi and thighs. Not a problem anymore! Hope this helps!
   — Renee B.

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