
Hello, I was wondering if anyone could suggest a GOOD brand of sunless tanner. I had my plastic surgery and I'm afraid to tan my scars or is it okay? Thanks!!    — Kelly* P. (posted on May 5, 2005)

May 5, 2005
Last year I spent a fortune on brand name sunless tanners .. this year, I bought the NoAd stuff (twice the amount for for 1/3 the price) and it works just as well. This is one instance where you don't necessarily get what you pay for. I have no sunbed experience, though .. I'm sure someone else does.
   — Jeanie

May 5, 2005
I havent had plastic surgery yet,but I have had other surgerys,and I Tan in a tanning bed,and the scars are less noticable.I have tried all types of sunless tanners and I just turn orange and streaky.
   — fddeano

May 5, 2005
I love sunless tanners. Neutragena makes a good one in a foam. main point is that Bath and Body Works makes a wonderful self-tanner remover. The only one I know of. It is awesome! I would love to have a real tan but am cautious of the skin cancer possibility and I also have a keloid scar I would have to cover to tan anyway. Good Luck!!!
   — Molly Mae

May 5, 2005
I am blond and "freaky" white. I just starting using Neutrogenea Natural Glow. It is a gradual sunless tanner and lotion in one. I got it at the drugstore for about 6.00. My legs and arms look ABSOLUTELY natural. I have never had such good results, and I have done everything from self tanners to the Mystic Tan spray on tans from the salon. I am totally thrilled with this product. With the 65 pound weight loss, and my natural looking "tan" I will not be scaring people at the pool this summer. Yvonne
   — yvonne1953

May 5, 2005
I do both the airspray tan and keep it going with sunless tanner product by Avon. You can choose medium/light or medium/dark. I just did the spray on tan last week and I'll start with the sunless tanning tonight to extend the life of it. Glad to know there is a product to take it off though as the spray on did leave too much on my hands. I'm always careful about washing them immediately when I do the self-tanning creams. Make sure if you do the spray on tan to put lotion on the thicker skin areas like ankles, knees and elbows to keep it from adhering too much and getting those areas really dark.
   — Tparker

May 5, 2005
I do the tanning beds at least once a week. You need to wait until your incision is completely healed or it could cause the scars to be worse. Once the incisions are completely healed you should be ok...just take it easy and don't overdo!! I waited about 2 months after the WLS and my scars have actually become less noticeable than they were before. Make sure you lotion good!!!
   — kccjer

May 5, 2005
Hi, I know I am probably in the minority on this... but I'm speaking from the experience of having worked for a dermatologist for two years: Tanning is bad. When you cook a thanksgiving turkey and it gets that lovely ready to eat brown color, it has completed the tanning process. Unless you are a turkey (well, even if you are since its a sign you are about to be eaten), it's not a good idea to tan. Sun tanning can cause cancer, wrinkles, premature aging, "aligator skin" and lots of other unpleasant things. The problem though is that you don't get these problems until you are older... and then when you are old and sun damaged, unless you are rich and into post-surgical pain, there isn't much you can do about it, other than having skin cancers cut off of you when they occur. At least if you feel the need to tan, don't pay someone for it.. the sun is free. You can come sit in my yard for half the price you pay at the tanning salon and if motivated, I might even make you a special exotic protein shake with an umbrella in it. (disclaimer: because email is a poor medium for expressing... well, anything, I'd like to clarify that the above is meant to be silly and not mean or sarcastic). I have used the sunless tanners by neutragena and have found them, other than the cost, to be very good. I would advise you to put lotion on your knees and elbows before applying self-tanner because those areas tend to be dry and suck up the tanning lotion... It took me a couple weeks of orange mismatched knees and elbows before I figured out what the problem was. I'd also check out the NoAd sunless tanning stuff because as someone else said, their products are generally just as good as name brand without the ridiculous high price. Good luck and enjoy summer. Sid
   — mrsidknee

May 5, 2005
One thing I also wanted to add to my response. I did the airbrush tan last week. Well, I have terribly sharpei thighs and they look good when I'm standing, but when I sit down, those creases even out and I have little white lines where the tanner didn't get so next time I go, I need to bend my knees at a 45 degree angle or something so the tanner will get in those creases as well. I agree with Sid, I'm terrified of skin cancer so I never get in tanning beds and the sunless tanners are great to me. Also, my great aunt Delphia had beautiful skin well into her 80s and if you asked her how, she would tell you she never got in the sun. I know a lot of ladies who have always tanned religiously and they look much older than they are.
   — Tparker

May 5, 2005
I am so HAPPY to see that out of all these answers only 2 are tanning in a bed...thats awesome...I am an Estethican..(skin care) I have worked with both dermatologist and plastic surgeons repairing the damage from people who Kudo's to all of you who are chosing not to use bed's....the rise in skin cancer is astronomical and it is directly related to the use of tanning beds...stick with the sunless tanner's and not only will you look good now but when your 40,50,60 or wont be dealing with cancer removal or face lift's from self inflicted damage.....
   — Kimscott

May 6, 2005
I'm nearly four months post-op, and did the tanning bed for the first time in a long time last week - I just made sure to cover my incisions because they still tend to be tender. I don't go regularly, and recently tried Neutrogena MicroMist sunless tanner spray. I have to spray it on in my garage since it likes to tan my bathroom walls and cabinets, lol! I paid just under $10 for it at Walmart, and it's good stuff...
   — Mob M.

May 8, 2005
i would recommend clinque, its at dillard's, i an avid tanning bed user and have been for 17 years, well im pregnant and im not able to tan in the beds so i use clinque self tanning mist, its about 14.00 but its such a fine mist its lasts for a very long time, its a natural color, i dont do orange!!! if you dont like the appearence it gives you then just keep your reciept and return it. i love it!!
   — shellypoe

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