Brachioplasty- Has anyone had a brachioplasty coveredby insurance?

I am at the point now - after losing @90 lbs - that my arms arrive somewhere a few moments after I do. There is a great deal of hanging skin. I have begun to have muscle spasms in my neck, as well as constant headaches, which my pcp thinks is all related to the hanging skin. Has anyone had their brachioplasty ("batwing removal") covered by insurance? Thanks! blessings, Ann    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on February 9, 2000)

February 10, 2000
I think My arms have met your arms! I to have lost 92lbs..still have at least 75 to go..i know i will need brachioplasty as well as a tummy tuck, and a major "neck" lift.. I am interested in learning any info on how to get approval thru insurance for coverage
   — bobbie F.

November 17, 2002
I had my Upper arms done and a Tummy tuck done on 9/25/02. My insurance covered it all. I have lost 160 pounds. I had my RNY on 1/24/00. I was never going to have plastic surgery but when I found out my insurance would pay for it? I am very happy with the surgery and i think the key is to make sure you go to a good PS. Do your research. I have Blue Cross prudent Buyer they also paid for my By-pass.
   — Liz B.

March 4, 2003
My PCP and my surgeon submitted pictures and a letter of medical necessity and I was just approved for the arms and TT. Good Luck
   — Beffy W.

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