Those who dump from sugar, please answer me this.................

Hi, I do dump from sugar but am uncertain to what extent! I know we are unlike diabetics for we can have natural sugars, just not added sugars. I do not know if eating canned fruits is okay, and also drinking fruit juices. I am craving orange juice like crazy but very scared to touch it. Anyone have any wisdom to give me regarding fruits that are canned and juice? Thanks!    — VIXYVIX (posted on November 1, 2000)

November 1, 2000
Hi! You can have canned fruits and juices, but you have to know how to read labels and what to look for. Fruit juices are OK as long as they are made with 100% fruit juices and no added sugars. (I drink orange juice quite often). Look at the ingredients on the label, if sugar, high fructose corn syrup, etc. are listed, I stay away from it. I have had a difficult time finding many canned fruits that I can eat. The only one that I have found is pineapples packed in its own juice. This means no surup, even extra light. I have dumped from sugar twice and never want to experience it again, so I error on the side of caution. I hope this helped some. Good Luck!
   — Adria M.

November 1, 2000
It depends on what your goal is. Are you just wanting to avoid dumping? Or are you wanting to maximize your wt loss? I haven't touched OJ in years. Way too high in sugar. In fact, except for the occasional bit of diluted juice, I just don't. I avoid anything with more than 6g of sugar (of any kind) per serving. And a serving is the amount I am going to eat. So, the last OJ I checked was 22g of sugar in an 8 oz glass. So, even 4 oz of that with some water would've been 11g of sugar, or nearly double my limit for max wt loss. I rather enjoy sugar free Tang, though. It's possible you are craving the potassium in the OJ, too. Any leg cramps? When I serve canned fruit, I rinse it off.
   — vitalady

November 1, 2000
Hi Vicki I am one year post op and am very leary about canned fruit the only ones I will try is the ones that are packed in water or there own juice and only try with a bit or 2 as for the juice I have a friend who also had the rny done and orange juice was the only thing she wanted At times that is all she drinks start by mixing 1/2 juice to 1/2 water to dilute it if you are still leary with that just add more water I would also get the pulp free orange jucie
   — debbie P.

November 2, 2000
I had open RNY 7 months ago - I've gone from size 26/28 jeans to size 16 already. I drink orange juice, no sugar added whenever I want. That's not to say I drink it every day, nor do I drink more than a cup of it per day. Canned fruits in their own juice are ok. I also drink other 100% juices and enjoy tomato juice. I have a juicer and make my own juice drinks too - like carrot/apple. Yummy and lots of vitamins.
   — Cindy H.

November 2, 2000
I had open rny 61/2 months ago & have lost just over 120#. I do drink small amount of OJ because that's the only way I've found to get down protein supplement. I mix 1/2 cup OJ with 1/2 cup water, 2 scoops of protein shake mix (20 grams protein) & several ice cubes. It works for me & my weight loss has been very good. I don't dump (so far), but I have been careful to stay away from other sugars in amounts over about 10 grams. I haven't even tried canned fruits, so I'm no help there.
   — Kathy W.

November 2, 2000
I can drink orange juice (pulp free) and all unsweetened 100% natural fruit juices. I do not dump with them. I have never dumped because I am too chicken to try something with sugar in it LOL. Good luck to you.
   — PNethery

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