Has anyone who had the fobi pouch NOT lost weight?

I had surgery about 5 weeks ago. I lost bettween 20-30 lbs the first 2 weeks. since then I have gained it back. I do not eat sugar. I only eat 3 small meals a day. I have absolutely no energy so I don't exercize much. I try to take all of my vitamins and try to get all my h20 in. I weigh over 400 lbs so I know with the very little amts. I eat anyone should be losing but I am NOT!!! This is a typical day's meals for me: bkfst- 1/4 cp juice(or skip bkfst) Lunch-1/2 cp soup with 3or4 crackers Dinner-2oz baked fish 1/4 cp cottage cheese. That's all Why am I not losing? Please Help!!!    — [Anonymous] (posted on April 27, 2001)

April 27, 2001
I had RNY and I dont know if the Fobi is a variation of that but it appears to me that you are not taking in enough nutrition - I think you need to increase your calories. I would call the nutritionist at the hospital or at your surgeon's office they are probably best suited to assist you.
   — [Anonymous]

April 27, 2001
I had the rny but I would think the same rules would apply as far as nutrition. I am not sure what your drs orders were as far as how much you should be eathing but I was insutructed to eat 5-6 small meals a day. The amount of food that you described that you are taking in is putting your body into starvation mode. Your body thinks that it isnt getting food so it is holding on to every oz of fat and what you do take in its storing. That is also the reason that you are so tired. Also do not skip breakfast. That is very important because when you have gone all night without food you need something to kickstart your metabolism in the morning. I was told to eat something within the first 45min of getting up in the mornings. Have you considered taking any protein supplements? I am 2months postop and still take my supplements daily. Be patient and eat a little more and I can assure you that the weight will start falling off :) Tanya
   — Tanya P.

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