What is the average daily protein intake and how do I get it all in?

I am 9 weeks post op and am wandering how much protein I should be taking in daily and how do I get it all in. Please help????    — Beverly B. (posted on May 15, 2001)

May 15, 2001
I think protien requirements vary with each person depending on needs. But so you'll have an idea, my protein requirement is 68 grams a day. I am 5 weeks post op and I am able to make this every day. I also have a 64oz liquid min. I am able to get my protien requirement in through food. I don't use protien drinks unless it's a convience issue, and that's even now with being back at work. You have to read labels and educate yourself about food and nutrition. It has become as normal for me to choose good high protien food as it used to be to grab a hamburger and fries. This is supposed to be something we can live with forever. Have fun finding what works best for you.
   — bek4901

May 15, 2001
There will be a variety of responses to your question on this site, because different surgeons/nutritionists have different opinions on the matter. Many post-ops also share strong feelings that high protein intake lessens the chance of hair loss following WLS. My surgeon has been specializing in bariatric surgery since 1994 and feels strongly that his patients should only supplement during the first 6 weeks post-op, then obtain their daily protein through their food intake. He offers several leading nutrition/dietetic journal articles to support that even WLS patients do not "need" more than 35 grams of protein/day....a medium chicken breast would contain approximately this amount. However, he fully supports the intake of any additional protein that can be obtained from food items. He discourages any use of protein bars, because they are too sweet and too much like candy and might trigger a desire in post-ops to return to seeking sweets which would in turn sabotage the surgery over the long-term. His theory about hair loss is that it either happens or it doesn't. I did experience some hair loss between the 4-8 month period post-op, but I also experienced the same degree of hair loss following both of my childbirth experiences and also following each of my previous major surgeries. It is the feeling of most surgeons that hair loss is much more related to the "shock" of major surgery and general anesthesia to the body than to protein intake. I am 14 months post-op, have lost 140 pounds, and have followed my surgeon's dietary plan without any ill effects. I always am sure to get 35 grams of protein/day, and some days I get 60-90 grams. I feel better and am healthier than I have been in over 15 years. Consult your surgeon for his particular regimen, follow his instructions, then relax and enjoy the have a wonderful, exciting life ahead of you!
   — Diana T.

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