I want my site to like like everyone elses!---FUN! My question is not health realted....but I want to do people get the fun" backrounds. (stars, polka-dots, etc) and how do they put in the "COUNTER" buttons. Do you have to do your own html page and then cut and paste it all or how does this work...........Please help me....    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 30, 2002)

January 29, 2002
hey i will help this is my site check it out you can email me at [email protected] it you like i enjoy doin this
   — blank first name B.

January 30, 2002
I had to beg my husband. :)
   — Goldilauxx B.

January 30, 2002
Ooohh!! I'd like to learn how too! Pick me! Me! Me! Pick me too! Please!!
   — NicoleG

January 30, 2002
One way to bring color into play is to build a table. Any image counter or picture can be added after that.
   — TerryS

February 4, 2002
One of the great things about this site is that you have the ability to make your profile your own by customizing it. Your profile has been set up to allow you to use html commands. You can find any number of great html tutorials on the internet just by doing a search on the words. To have a fancy background or incorporate pictures, you will need a website or some place to host your pictures. You won't need that to build tables or change your font or font colors. Have a little fun and experiment with it!<p> My dear friend, Liza Branch recently highlighted a great site that teaches html to children in nice easy to understand terminology. Here is the URL:
   — kylakae

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