Are you stuck in the last few months of your window?

I am about 15.5 months out. I have lost right around 165 pounds. I had a hysterectomy performed in mid April, and I haven't lost anything since this time. I know some of this is my fault. I will take responsibility for fooling around some. For the last few weeks, I have started really trying to do things differently, eating better, exercise (cardio and weight training). Still, the scale or my clothes size are not moving. I really want to reclaim my last few months. Should I hit some diet plan? I know most will say, drink water (I drink plenty) lots of protein, little of anything else. However, I was wondering if anyone had success with any other plan. Weight Watchers, live for life, etc? Any little advice will surely be appreciated. Oh yes, I need to lose another 35-40 pounds. Thanks a bunch.    — sheron H. (posted on June 29, 2002)

June 29, 2002
I am also 15.5 months out (almost 16 months) and am slowly seeing my "window of opportunity" close. By cutting out ALL refined sugars and processed carbs (popcorn, pasta, bread, etc.), I have been able to sustain a loss of approximately 1 lb. per week, which my doctor says is great, considering how far post-op I am. Also, I find that exercise really helps, as you already know. Don't worry ... at this stage in the game, frequent plateaus occur, but you can defeat them if you are tenacious and never give up on yourself. I have 32.5 lbs. to go, and I KNOW I can make it, even if it takes until 2003!!! LOL
   — Terissa R.

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