Has anyone become preg. after having tummy tuck or other stomach plastic surgery?

Please email me if there is anyone out there!!! And any online posts are greatly appreciated too... ;o)    — Stephanie B. (posted on January 11, 2003)

January 12, 2003
I have been wondering this very question, and no one seems to come forward lol although i know there are people out there that have, in fact my friend had a baby apx 2 years after her tt she said she has a little pouch she dosnt excersise so that could be the reason...I am tossed between having a baby or having a tt first..even though i know its wiser to have the baby first, i often wonder what if i want more then one child i dont have any now and i dont want to have a baby then have another just so i can have a tt so in the end it seems to me to just do what ever makes me happen and deal with the after math...good luck
   — Deanna Wise

January 12, 2003
Here is another part to this question that I wondered. What if you do decide to wait for the TT to have your child. Then it would be about a year or so afterwards before you are ready for the TT, will the insurance still pay for it since it's soo long after surgery and you just had a child? Just curious since they are soo picky on what they will and will not pay for.
   — Dee ,.

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